It is true that my brother Leaf told me that Caster Semenya looked like Ron Artest. This was before I saw a visual of her. When I finally saw Ms. Flash, I had to admit that she did look like a man. As a lot of you know, rumors surfaced stating that test would be conducted to verify her sex. Well, the test were rendered and Caster Semenya has been classified as having both male and female sexual organs (hermaphrodite).
Ohh, what a potential explosive situation this could be! If they stop her from running or take her title , surely the race card will be pulled out as well as human rights . The International Olympic Committee states that her higher level of testosterone is not the main concern. Moreover, if she's able to use the testosterone may be a determining factor in whether she will possibly be stripped of her title.
"“We have raised her as a young girl and I have no doubt that she is a girl.” Maphuthi Sekgala (Her Grandma)
Taking the rabbit whole deeper, (I'm a legal student...I'll make my education work for me on this blog-lol) the question becomes if she can utilize her testosterone while running, does it give her an unfair advantage over other female racers? Yes, it's true that she was raised as a female. But if the findings show that she is able to use her testosterone, is it unfair to other female racers who do not have the same ability? There, perhaps, will be your first legal issue.
From a human rights perspective comes our second legal issue? Because she was given portions of male and female genitalia, the parents have autonomy to choose what sex the child will live their life as. I mean last time I checked they don't have the male and female stall in public restrooms. Therefore, one cannot say that her living her life as a female is wrong. It's a choice her parents made in good faith and she had no choice in the matter. So then, will her inalienable right to live as a women override the fact that she might have biological/physiological advantages over her competitors?
And yes, it seems deplorable to strip her of her crown or even not strip her of her crown but force her to run as a male. In fact, if you were her, I'm sure you would feel humiliated. At anyrate, there best bet is to let her be. Otherwise, you'll have a legal case brewing that the whole world will be watching. South Africa will be pissed, African's everywhere will be pissed, other hermaphrodite's will be pissed, and Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton might make a buck or two. Funny but it's probably true.