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Saturday, September 12, 2009

Acts Like a Girl but Runs Like a Man?

It is true that my brother Leaf told me that Caster Semenya looked like Ron Artest. This was before I saw a visual of her. When I finally saw Ms. Flash, I had to admit that she did look like a man. As a lot of you know, rumors surfaced stating that test would be conducted to verify her sex. Well, the test were rendered and Caster Semenya has been classified as having both male and female sexual organs (hermaphrodite).

Ohh, what a potential explosive situation this could be! If they stop her from running or take her title , surely the race card will be pulled out as well as human rights . The International Olympic Committee states that her higher level of testosterone is not the main concern. Moreover, if she's able to use the testosterone may be a determining factor in whether she will possibly be stripped of her title.

"“We have raised her as a young girl and I have no doubt that she is a girl.”
Maphuthi Sekgala (Her Grandma)

Taking the rabbit whole deeper, (I'm a legal student...I'll make my education work for me on this blog-lol) the question becomes if she can utilize her testosterone while running, does it give her an unfair advantage over other female racers? Yes, it's true that she was raised as a female. But if the findings show that she is able to use her testosterone, is it unfair to other female racers who do not have the same ability? There, perhaps, will be your first legal issue.

From a human rights perspective comes our second legal issue? Because she was given portions of male and female genitalia, the parents have autonomy to choose what sex the child will live their life as. I mean last time I checked they don't have the male and female stall in public restrooms. Therefore, one cannot say that her living her life as a female is wrong. It's a choice her parents made in good faith and she had no choice in the matter. So then, will her inalienable right to live as a women override the fact that she might have biological/physiological advantages over her competitors?

And yes, it seems deplorable to strip her of her crown or even not strip her of her crown but force her to run as a male. In fact, if you were her, I'm sure you would feel humiliated. At anyrate, there best bet is to let her be. Otherwise, you'll have a legal case brewing that the whole world will be watching. South Africa will be pissed, African's everywhere will be pissed, other hermaphrodite's will be pissed, and Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton might make a buck or two. Funny but it's probably true.


Thursday, September 3, 2009

Bikini or Burkini v. East Meets West

Did you here about the Muslim women in France who wore a burkini and was subsequently banned from the pool she swam at? I think this is another sign of the times;whereas, a woman who chose the road less traveled in honor of her religion and purity was actually disciplined. After further researching the matter, there were health laws in place that banded anyone from being fully dressed in the swimming pool. But wait, it gets deeper.

"French lawmakers recently proposed a ban on the burka and other voluminous Muslim attire. President Nicolas Sarkozy backs the move, saying such clothing makes women prisoners."
-The Jarkata Globe

Ohhh, the world we live in. Why would lawmakers say that women, who have the free will to say yea or nae to wearing such apparel, are being imprisoned (apparently by there own religion)?

First, lets clear it up. These instruction came from the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH). In chapter 24 of the Holy Koran, it states, "And say to the believing women that they lower their gaze and restrain their sexual passions and do not display their adornment except what appears thereof. And let them wear head -coverings over their bosoms."

Now, I know this is contrary to everything that the western world stands on. I guess what I'm saying is whats wrong with piety, what's wrong with purity?

(In America)it's hell when you go to church and are tempted because some women seems to think church is a continuation of the night before, in which they were dressed in nearly similar apparel at the local night club (shaking it like a salt shaker).

Now, while these ignorant lawmakers are asserting these clothes are making women prisoners of their own pious actions, other Western European women are walking around in a two piece bikini. Men are staring, lusting and drooling it up. Meanwhile, the creator sees all that we do and keeps a flawless account of all our actions.

It would seem to me that people should honor women that don't want men staring at their bodies. After all, the women becomes an object of lust and the man falls into sin. In my spiritual walk, I could actually dig "burkinis" in America. I'm not perfect and burkinis makes it easier for men whose conscious are actually seared after they lust after a women. Obviously, this is foreign concept in a western world. What else is new?

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Why America Will Always Be Racially Torn

I can never forget reading an excerpt from Marcus Garvey. He said (paraphrasing) that the white man does not want "negroes" mixing with his race. Essentially, he asserted that if whites did not give Africans there own land, government and educational system, this country would forever be rationally torn. For what it's worth, this is why Garvey, as extreme as it may sound, liked the Klu Klux Klan. The one thing they had in common is they did not agree with both races integrating. Skipping forward to 2009, Garvey was right on the money with his prediction.

Racism in America is ramped these days and Obama becoming president only has exacerbated the situation. The truth is, alot of whites still view themselves as the superior race. How many rednecks across America were pissed when Obama got elected? Moreover, how many Republicans and Conservatives? Don't even try to guess that number. Why were they pissed? Because many of them inherently feel that a "black" man has no place in the oval office. Point Blank, Period. Why do they feel this way? Well, because they feel like this is their country.

I heard a old white lady in a town hall meeting cry out in desperation, "I don't know what this country has become, but I want my country back." I mean dang grandma, is Barak holding the U.S. for ransom?

Where am I going with this? Well, because of racist ideals that I believe many whites have, American will always be torn racially. Lincoln made an attempt to send us back. It didn't work, but he was on to something in his supreme ignorance (search my blog and learn why I despise Abe). And truth be told, there isn't enough integration in the world that can cure the ignorant mindset that many whites hold deep in the bosom of their heart.

Okay, so some might say Sia, this is Jim Crow talk. Times have changed. A black man is President for God's sake-isn't that enough? I would respond no. Don't try to use that as your excuse. But please believe now whites have the ultimate excuse to bail America out of the racist country it is (Barak being elected). Oh yes yall, my soul knows better.

My children go to schools everyday that promote whites being the founder of nearly everything. This is merely lies, but when you think you are the superior race, you have to sell it. It's not enough just to say it. And lets face it, the Indians were considered to be savages, just as they viewed us.

Now, let me clear it up. I know good white people. My neighbors for instance are great people. I mean, truly good hearted people, so I don't support the notion that all white people are bad. I think that kind of mentality is just as dangerous as the white's racist views towards blacks.

The only thing that can fix America's racist tendencies is love and a firm spirit of equality in action, which all humans possess the will to invoke. But usually, racist whites let their own ego prohibit these innate qualities from rising to their conscious. Because of this, a dirty game of mental slavery has been induced by the elect few that still enjoy watching the struggle of the black man, woman and child. They manipulate the economy, our (America) educational and our justice system to make sure that those who have been blessed with melanin encounter all the pot holes in life.

"We declare that the teaching in any school by alien teachers to our boys and girls, that the alien race is superior to the Negro race, is an insult to the Negro people of the world."
-Marcus Garvey

Now, perhaps no "hero" can neutralize this problem that has embedded itself in the very soil that we stand on. I tell my brothers and sisters every chance I get-don't get it twisted-not much has changed except how racism is being conveyed by whites. Yet another opportunity to wake up and smell the Sanka.

P.S.-Sia says it would do you good to listen to Sean Hannity vs. Khalid Muhammad.