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Monday, March 29, 2010

Mr. Hova Exposed: Jay-Z Drops Dark Symbology in New video

Camel Walking off my last blog is something I found on You Tube; whereas, one individual breaks down some pretty dark symbology in Jay-Z's new "On to the Next One" video. Not much needs to be said here. I only require your undivided attention on the video below.

The questions you should ask is why are these signs here? Are they even related to the song? Of course not? So if they're not related to the song, they seemingly have intentionally been presented for a reason. What else are symbols and signs used for (to convey a message)? Anyway, it's not my job to convince you. You be the judge. Big up to Spanish Jose from YouTube for the angle to.

Friday, March 26, 2010

Illuminati: Fact or Fiction 2

If you google Illuminati hand symbols, an array of characters and signs are displayed. Yet, when you see many different people throwing the same signs, it's hard not to conceive that some kind of uniform message is being relayed.

Does this mean I think people like Lady Gaga, Beyonce, and Jay-Z are members of the Illuminati? Yes and no. Are they the power players that sit with occult members and plot the world's demise? No, I don't see Jay-Z really sitting with the Rockefellers or other power players. However, I do see them as possibly being agents. In other words, they are acting or advertising for the principle (the occult members). What's in it for them? I would say money, fame and a small portion of power. It's amazing what people will do for that green paper. One should also note that Satan, as depicted in the Bible, was in charge of Music. What better package to advertise hey?

Take the time to look at some of these pics. Surely, there is more happening than what meets the eye.

"Illuminati want my mind, soul and my body."
-Mobb Deep

That's right it's wicked, that's life I live it
Ain't asking for forgiveness for my sins, endz
I break bread with the late heads, picking their brains for angles on
all the evils that the game'll do
It gets dangerous, money and power is changing us
And now we're lethal, infected with D'Evils...

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Hip-Hop: A Hobby or Profession?

At what point do you become detached to the very same thing you love? Mr. Sobek says that we all have become attached to various aspects in our lives. The effect of such attachments often leaves us confused. What am I talking about? In this case, I'm referring to hip-hop.

For instance, at what point do you stop chasing dreams and start focusing on reality? This is an invisible problem that I am beginning to notice in the hip-hop industry.

There are a disparate number of musicians who have spent a good portion of their lives trying to "make it" in the hip-hop industry. At the end of the night, all they have to show for their efforts is their music and a job (just over broke).

I have an associate in the industry who has his own studio, a nice house, and even has an independent album he just cut. The sharp contrast is that he is a pharmacist. He has recently joined a hip-hop band; moreover, he enjoys entertaining patrons and kicking his old school, organic brand of hip-hop. When he's not on stage, he's working twelve hour shifts at the local pharmacy, sleep or in the studio. However, it seems evident where his main focus is (on his profession, not his hobby).

On the contrary, we have plenty of hip-hop artists that have college degrees (i.e. money spent and owed), but spend more time enhancing their hip-hop careers than the career they spent 5 figures into. Do you think Sallie Mae cares about their insatiable desire to "blow up?"

Now, if you have no degree or viable profession (and no kids), you can afford to go full speed ahead in your quest to become financially successful in the industry. Such is not the case for me.

I graduate in May and told my music constituents a long time ago if nothing gave by the time I graduated, I would be putting all my chips in my Bachelors of Science in Legal Studies. In addition, I have aspirations to attend law school next year. Sure I'll have a studio, and sure I'll be banging out tracks in my spare time. The main point is this: It will be a hobby at best.

Some of you artists are spending tons of money, entering contest, rocking free shows, and have aspirations to "blow," yet in the end, it is no more than this: "An activity or interest pursued for pleasure or relaxation and not as a main occupation." You could try to say you're a professional musician, but if you have a 9-5, and you mainly rock free shows, you're not fooling me.

Bottom line is some of you have confused a hobby for a profession. Thus, an educated man with a 4 year degree could easily be found working an average job (not even in the field of his degree) but rocking the mic passionately at the local night club. You are not a celebrity my friend. You are attached to something which doesn't give back as much as you've put in. If this blog applies to you, the question is: What will you do now that someone has held you accountable? Don't forget, at the end of the night, Sallie Mae wants that cheese back, and no matter how dope your rhymes are, it will not fulfill your debt so far as you can see. In the words of KRS-One, "You must learn."

Monday, March 15, 2010

Stay Linked Up: The M.S.T.of A

It amazes me how many people observe the blogs I've done concerning the Moorish Science Temple of America. Therefore, this one is for those seeking more info on the M.S.T.of A; Here are some of the links that give you an array of information on the movement. Put the cursor on any link and click away!

2. The Circle 7 Koran

3.University of the Moorish Science Temple of America

5.Freedom of Information Act: The Moorish Science Temple of America

7.The Moorish Community

9.The Moorish Science Temple of America Home Office

10. Seven Seals Publication

*Mostly all of these "branches" have no affiliation with each other. Hope this helps all you true seekers.