What this show exemplifies is the European's desire to keep us in our "bucket of crabs." They love to see our struggle, it's fascinating to them. The mind of the racist European doesn't want us here in the first place. At best, they would prefer we deported to another country (i.e. Africa) and at worse, they would prefer us to move to the back of the bus (i.e. segregation). When neither happened, you have what Marcus Garvey predicted in earlier times: A country that will forever be racially torn. It reminds me of what happened the first time a black delegation was allowed in the White House. The country, as it always has been was in a racial anarchy. Mr. Emancipator, Lincoln, was trying to convince black people to go back to Liberia (nooo! not Lincoln). He was attempting to keep the European race as white as Jesus (pun intended)! He told the delegation:
"You and we are different races. We have between us a broader difference than exists between almost any other two races. Whether it is right or wrong, I need not discuss, but this physical difference is a great disadvantage to us both, as I think your race suffers very greatly, many of them by living among us, while ours suffers from your presence. In a word, we suffer on each side. If this is admitted, it affords a reason why we should be separated."
-Source- Dred's Scott's Revenge
So Mr. Lincoln and his American Colonialization Society got $100,000 bucks to get rid of us. Yup, instead of freeing the slaves-he felt it better for the union to get rid of us (didn't they bring us here?). But okay, I'm getting off subject-this blog is about the 2009 negroism being displayed by our liberal buddies, CNN.
So since the seperation failed, the Euros (not the currency) have to deal with us. And what better show to watch for a prejudiced or racist Euro then Black in America! Oh yeaaahh, let them see the hood, let them see the drop out rate, teen pregnancies, single family homes, how black women do their hair, don't forget about the H.B.C.U.s-thats right, show just how tough of a time the "negros are having."
"Only 70% of all High School Students Graduate in Four Years. That Number Drops to 50% for Black Students."
-Carl Azuz, CNN (previewing Black in America)
A moment like this would call for a European requesting a rare steak from his butler while he devotes his attention to this crap. Some of you Africans are looking at this and are excited, but you don't see whats going on. YUP! It's black exploitation at it's finest!! Real smooth, so smooth, they had to bring it back. Whats sad is that our people will probably request part 3! You people go head and watch that dog poop-I'll be studying lessons on self. Now back to my regular agenda.
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