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Wednesday, October 14, 2009

If It Were My World...

I play Civilization, a strategy game where the goal is to build an empire, and I enjoy playing it very much. In the game I'm currently playing, I am overseeing an Ethiopian empire. The thing I like about Civilization is you get to rewrite history, as it has real leaders, real technology and so forth.

Anyway, my goal in this game is to AVOID war at all costs. I have quite an empire right now, and there is a small portion of the map owned by Indians. It would be nothing for me to make a military campaign to conquer their territory. However, at the end of the night, it's more rewarding to trade with them and allow them to retain their land, traditions, customs, etc.

My point is though American History did the opposite of how I am playing the game (we know the story of the "Native Americans"), I can relate to the struggles that a race goes through when they are conquered or taken away from their land. If we are to truly let love save the day, then we submit to universal principles that hinges off:

"That which you hate to be done to you, do not do to another".
"Hurt no one so that no one may hurt you. "

If we could pound this theory into our mind, we would live in an almost perfect world. The Brotherhood and Sisterhood of all citizens of the globe would be united. Prisons would not be infested with criminals. Love would be the King or Savior of the day (which is the inherent nature of all upstanding religions anyway).

I want to encourage you and let you know that it starts with me. It starts with you. Really sit and think about the power one has when he lives by the Golden Rule. Look in the nooks and crannies of your life and see where you can apply the Golden Rule more. Then, sit back and watch the universe become your biggest ally in uplifting your sisters and brothers. Don't believe me? Try it out. I bet you I'm right.

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