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Thursday, June 3, 2010

Marcus Garvey: The Moorish-American Perspective (Part II)

Peace and good will to all!  This blog is pursuant to part one of this series which can be found here.  You might want to read the former to be fully abreast in the ideology being demonstrated. Without further due, I bring you the Moorish-American scholar, Azeem Hopkins Bey.

O.K. Stephens Bey: Why do you think so many people are knowledgeable about the works of Garvey, yet so many lack knowledge of the works of Noble Drew Ali?

Azeem Hopkins Bey:
We will not squander precious time explicating who knows more about whom, because that is irrelevant. However, we do acknowledge the fact that not all UNIA members and followers of Marcus Garvey entered the doors of the Moorish Science Temple of America. This is a fact of life; not all people are going to accept the truth which was brought by Prophet Noble Drew Ali. The circumstance is analogous to the state of affairs during the contemporary of John and Jesus. Although John the Baptist was sent to prepare the way for the coming of Jesus, not all disciples of John the Baptist accepted the teachings of Jesus, moreover some even denied the divinity and prophethood of Jesus. There exists a religious group known as “Mandaeans,” who practice “Mandaeism” (sometimes Mandaeanism). Mandaeism is practiced primarily in southern Iraq and the Iranian province of Khuzestan, as well as among a small diaspora population in Europe, Australia, and North America. Mandaeism is a monotheistic religion which honors Adam, Abel, Seth, Enosh, Noah, Shem, Aram, and especially John the Baptist as prophets. They describe Abraham, Moses, Jesus, and Muhammad as false. Mandaeans consider John the Baptist to be God’s most honorable messenger. John the Baptist plays a large part in Mandaean writings. Mandaeans highly revere him and claim to have some remote connection with his original disciples. They believe John the Baptist was the last and greatest of the prophets. While Mandaeans agree that he baptized Jesus they reject the latter as a savior or prophet. They view John as the only true Messiah.

O.K. Stephens Bey: So are you alluding to the notion that many Asiatics misunderstood the true purpose of Marcus Garvey?

Azeem Hopkins Bey
Yes, Over the years there has been great debate waged over whether or not Marcus Garvey and Prophet Noble Drew Ali were ever acquainted with one another. This great debate has been put to rest in light of new revealed information and research. There is concrete evidence that Marcus Garvey and Prophet Noble Drew Ali encountered one another. One particular incident was documented by the Chicago Defender Newspaper in 1927, while Marcus Garvey was in the Federal penitentiary in Atlanta Georgia. This encounter reveals the fact that Marcus Garvey was not opposed to Prophet Noble Drew Ali’s divine program, contrarily he was please with the Holy Prophets program. The encounter has been documented by the Chicago Defender newspaper, November 19th 1927. The article reads as follows:

Noble Drew Ali Returns After Long Visit South

Noble Drew Ali, Prophet, Founder and head of the Moorish National Divine Movement, has returned to the city after an extended visit in the South. Prophet Ali motored from Chicago to Atlanta, Ga., where he spent a few hours visiting Marcus Garvey in the federal prison. Mr. Garvey was very much pleased with the splendid uplift work being done by the Moorish Divine Movement. The organization has launched a drive for more members. 

Persons desirous of learning of the great work that is being done are asked to write Prophet Ali, 3603 Indiana Ave., Chicago Ill. Phone Douglas 5909. 

Stay Plugged for Part Three!!!

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