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Monday, February 16, 2009

Murs Gets on Rick Ross

We (Planet Zoron)had the privilege of opening up for Mur's last year in Tallahassee, Florida. Some of the other performers were Chaun Don, Big Pooh, and Kidz in the Hall. What was supposed to be an hour set turned into a 20 minute set since Murs wanted us off the stage. I personally felt he was intimidated by a hip-hop band.

At anyrate, apparently Rick Ross 1)jacked one of Murs beats and 2)called his name out at the beginning of the song. Murs didn't take it to lightly. But how does that happen? Both artists are signed to major labels. How does Rick end up jacking Murs beat. Copywright infringement? I doubted. In addition, I heard another one of Murs beats on Beanie Siegel's last release. What concerns me is when Murs says "How did he find it?" (in reference to the track). What do you mean-How did he find it? It's your 1st single off your latest album ("Can it Be"on the Murs for President Album). Here's some footage of him rocking his lead single live:

Here is the track Rick did called Gang Related:

Okay-the Moral of the story is when you have a hard working team of music business managers, you shouldn't have to worry about a top 20 billboard act releasing a single with your lead singles beat. Notice on the Gang Related song in the beginning a voice saying: "This is a coast to coast instrumental." What this probably means is that a producer sold Murs a beat for little of nothing. The producer probably took a cut for the exposure (well worthed). However, the producer probably didn't designate on the contract that the track was exclusively for Murs. If he did, he could be in legal trouble. If he didn't, that was silly on Mur's business manager's behalf. I wouldn't get mad at the artist-get mad at the producer who leaked it or your manager that failed to execute and exclusive contract with the producer. Tighten up Murs.
And for bonus footage, this is Mur's disc song in response to Rick Ross: Enjoy.

1 comment:

  1. "Industry rule number four thousand and eighty:

    'Record Company People are Shady.'"

    Beats get jacked all the time. I remember back in `95-96, LL Cool J's song "Who do you Love"--the hook had the same melody as a song by an up and coming R&B girl group called Shades. Their song actually came out first, but when his dropped, their whole career was over before it started. Ever heard of Shades? Exactly.

    It's unfortunate, but it sems like in the music business, sometimes the "business" is bigger than the "music."
