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Sunday, April 4, 2010

MK ULTRA: The CIA's Ace in the Hole

I know alot of you are naive; You would never think that our government would want to control the way we think, let alone brainwash us. However, history is the best teacher and it can be proven that the government,specifically the CIA, has, in the past, enacted plans to do the aforesaid actions.
Do you remember the Manchurian Candidate? The movie demonstrated MKULTRA, a covert plan that had 4 goals:

1) Mind and behaviour control
2)Advanced brainwashing and the remolding of minds and belief systems.
3)Truth drugs that would make other methods of interrogation obsolete.
4)Techniques for psychological warfare on a mass scale.

The plan itself started around the 1950's and was "supposedly" discontinued around the late 70's. It is also known that the Rockefellers funneled money into the project. The late Ted Kennedy said this concerning the project in 19777 (on the senate floor):

"The Deputy Director of the CIA revealed that over thirty universities and institutions were involved in an "extensive testing and experimentation" program which included covert drug tests on unwitting citizens "at all social levels, high and low, native Americans and foreign."

It's quite sad to think that people who are supposed to protect us would create sinister plans as such. For instance, LSD was given to mental patients, students and prisoners. Don't believe me? Well google George white + CIA, or just click here.

It has also been documented that MKULTRA was operating in the Veteran's Hospital in Menlo Park, San Francisco (1959). They were offering $100 dollars to patients who would take LSD and allow their reactions to be documented.

So, people that have conspiracy theories aren't always just paranoid. They often draw from facts in the past to predict or suspect what might happen in the future. Indeed, there has been many occurrences of The U.S. government "gone bad," so it's best to stay squared, and keep both eyes open.


  1. You raise some good historical points in this post.

    I am old enough to remember a lot of things that have happened to citizens of this nation that were government sanctioned.

  2. Thanks for your comment. There have been so many incidents of the government blatantly violating citizens rights and this extends beyond color. To me, it's important that we are aware (especially if you're a parent)of these acts.
    My deeper question is: Is there a "group" that continually plots actions as such against citizens? In the same sense, I tell people not to get to caught up because, at the end of the night, what can we really do about it but be aware and move forward?
