"Nationality cannot be bought unless you're in the slavery game." That quote was stated by Brother Sharif A. Bey, an expert on Moorish American Jurisprudence. "There is no such thing as a nation of sovereigns," was another profound quote that Brother Bey exclaimed on a blogtalkradio interview with Brother Azeem Hopkins Bey.
Brother Sharif Bey has just revealed some very pertinent information concerning the true meaning of sovereignty inside the context of the Moorish Science Temple of America, and I would like to think that other bodies of the M.S.T.of A at least listened and understood the wisdom in his words.
By in large, my experience with the M.S.T.of A dealt a lot with sovereignty. My former leadership exclaimed,"We are sovereign" quite frequently. "We are a wheel within a wheel," was another popular saying. Moreover, about a year and a half ago, I received information from a Supreme Grand Sheik in Chicago, who I will not disclose of specifically, who mentioned that he was researching ways (if possible) to legally remove Moors from the burden of having driver's licenses.
However, after the interview on BlogTalkRadio, which I encourage anyone of African descent to listen to, it is clear that this is not what Noble Drew Ali brought. Though Brother Sharif Bey admits that he played a role in contributing to this haphazard kind of thinking, he since has learned that this is NOT what Noble Drew Ali intended for his followers. If one would listen to the interview, he would know that C.M Bey and others used State Rights Advocate's ideologies to legitimize the Moors stance on being sovereign from the federal government; as mentioned by Sharif Bey, ironically, the states were those who directly subjected African-Americans to slavery in the first place.
If indeed Drew Ali was attempting to bring back the golden age of the Moors, his construct is perfect. The Moors in Spain discussed how when the Moors ruled Europe, they allowed other nationalities to follow their own beliefs without interference. They did not require Christians or Jews to become Muslims. So long as they observed the letter of the law, all was well.
Therefore, though we are not the rulers of the land in the present day, all nationalities have the right to develop their own economy and their own political representation; for instance, the Jews have 13 members in the Senate and need we discuss their economic stronghold? Their presence in the Senate and their economic power makes them a force that will be represented fairly well when Congress is in session. On the contrary, Roland Burris is the only African-American in the Senate at this present time.
I see now that Drew Ali was trying to unite our people under one economic circle, one political party and one God. Such a thing should be the inherent nature of all races, but our subjection to the oppression of slavery in the 18th and 19th century has African-American's behind a little bit. No excuse, merely just stating the facts.
I tip my hat off to Brother Hopkins and Sharif Bey for clearing up the record. Moorish Americans all over America should take heed.
what about the millet system used in turkey and many other muslim states whereby people who were not islamic paid much higher taxes than islamic people. This system was used in many countries as far as I know. Just ask an armenian...NO people or religion have a hold on truth , decency or justice. Thre are good and bad people in all segments of society and in all parts of the world.
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