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Saturday, August 22, 2009

Jungle Fever Revisited: Where are the Brothers at?

I wanted to blog tonight, so I said what the heck-let's do a spin off my last blog about jungle fever. I stumbled across a clip on YouTube that had some pretty interesting takes on interracial dating (black and white). And honestly, I like the sista to the right in this clip. As she put it firmly, "We (black women) don't have enough black men for us to go around."

Well honestly folks, she's right. I don't want to bog you down with the statistics. I don't want to talk about the disparate treatment America's criminal justice system hands down to the Asiatic male. Couple that with men who are already in relationships and homosexuals, and it's easily understandable why it's difficult for a sista to find a brotha these days.

Now, whats interesting is when the host asks the European women why she prefers blacks, she exclaims, "it's the shade of their skin." Ahhhhhh, we were just talking about this on Thursday weren't we. It's the good ole don't eat that one cookie in the cookie jar kind of set up! Man it's an undeniable taboo and atleast this women was honest enough to admit it. I bet as soon as she got out her parent's house, her dating radar immediately fixed on the dark shaded brothers.

"... The other thing, of course, is that White women get into relationships with Black men because they think the sex is going to be better."
- Dennis Rodman

I personally feel it's easier to acquire a white women. I've dealt with several in my lifetime. They all were cool, crazy submissive, and all but one treated me like I was a king that just touched down to the states. More specifically, I dated a white women in 98 and remembered thinking, "This is to easy." I tell ya, I had a free pass on back massages and money, to name a few of the benefits I can mention. Essentially, I was culture shocked.

But brothers should listen up and take heed. Sistas are really getting desperate right now. I talked to my cubicle buddy a few weeks ago about this very same subject. She agreed with the sister on the right and she's at a ripe age of 25 years old. Yeah (paraphrasing her), there are brothers out their, but what noble women wants a man with his pants hanging on his knees? Couple that with his cheezy pick up line, and any good women would have already rejected him before he got halfway into his spill.

There are a lot of good sistas available fellas, more than you can imagine. But most of them are waiting on you to get your game tight. Maybe you need new role models? I mean, honestly guys, maybe Lil Wayne isn't the best person to look up to in terms of macking to a women. After all, he wishes he could "f___" every girl in the world. Oh yeah, same for Drake to.

As a race, we need a generation of brothers to rise up in character and recognize a queen when they see one. We need brothas who aren't afraid to rescue their black queen from the dumb, deaf and blindness that this western society subjects us to. We need brothers to lead sistas spiritually and economically. We need sharp, educated brothers who are willing to take on a single mother and her kids.

Now, when those brothers start popping up, and they marry a white women-how does it help the plight of the African-American race or culture? Truth of the matter is, it doesn't. Okay, I'm done with my digression.

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Kanye West: Allow Me to Pardon Him (Jungle Fever)


This has been boiling long enough on the hip-hop radar that Sia must, like everyone else in the blogosphere, throw in his two cents. Now, as it has been seen all through the net, Kanye has developed close ties with Amber Rose, a European model.

Sure, Sia can take you back to the Jim Crow days when our ancestors were hung for merely looking at white women. Why? Because thats just how much European males hated the concept of Africans and Europeans mating, let alone producing children. In fact, states created laws where consensual sex between a "white" women and a "black" male was considered rape by law. Don't believe these absurd kinds of laws existed check this-Exhibit A:

Alabama Code 4189: "If any white person and any negro or the descendant of any negro to the third generation was a white person, intermarry or live in adultery or fornication with each other, each of them must, on conviction, be imprisoned in the penitentiary or sentenced to hard labor for the county for not less than two nor more than seven years."

-Dred's Scott Revenge-page 134 (Source)

Crazy right? This hostility of the two races coming together in a heterosexual context perhaps only made both sides more curious about each other. But Ohh, the drama that comes with a black man dating a white women. Check out Othello, Native Son or Jungle fever if you think I'm kidding!

But back to Kanye. I know in Hollywood, one of the symbols of success for a African brother is to acquire that pretty European women on his arm. Lets face it-it's true, or atleast many people feel as such. And guess what? Kanye did just that. But, and it's a big but-I'm going to pardon Mr. West and it has nothing to do with the incredibly dope beats he produces. Here are my reasons:

1) Kanye lost two of the most important women to him in a relatively short amount of time: His mom died and His girlfriend apparently dumped him. That will have any man in the weeds searching for something.

2)Kanye never claimed to be a black nationalist-he's just a brother that's super talented and has a fetish with lovely ladies, preferably models, from Europe. Search out Kanye West on this blog to see where I unveiled this fetish. Now if he rhymed like Public Enemy or X-Clan, that would be totally different. LOL

3)In all of his arrogance, maybe he is still shining on African-American women. 808 Heartbreak was for his ex, but maybe this time Kanye is saying-I'm done with all yall-"Play with it."

4)Well, love is love. If my son brings home some feminine, dime piece, Euro speciment, and he says this is the one-will I be mad? No. I'm more concerned about the psyche of it all. Marry her because you love her- not because she's white.

5) He's a grown man and can do whatever he wants. At the end of the night, a man makes decisions that, hopefully, make him a better man and for Kanye West, maybe Amber Rose is just that.

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

How Mike Vick and Dante Stallworth Exposed a Flawed Legal System

Something just doesn't rub me the right way concerning the glaring differences between Michael Vick's and Dante Stallworth's circumstances. Michael Vick, of course, dealt with Federal and State charges but a good portion of that was served concurrently. Stallworth, on the other hand, dealt with the State of Florida, which is one of the most aggresive criminal law states in the land.

Vick was reported to have killed several dogs. No telling how many were killed outside of his hands. Usually, when dogs lose a fight, they are killed immediately following the fight. I got that from several sources straight from the street.

In the end however, I'm having a hard time reasoning how a man who actually killed a human being receives less legal penalties, and still maintains his place on the Cleveland Brown's roster. How does this work?

I'm not trying to place more emphasis on human life than dogs but this blog HAS to go that direction. My brother and I talked about this situation, we felt as if Stallworth should have received the treatment that Vick did and vice versa.

A hard working 57 year old man was killed at the price of a man who was inebriated way beyond the legal limit. Meanwhile, the NFL, drills players over and over again on these kinds of issues. Simply put, Stallworth getting a taxi would have saved a man's life.

But I don't see the protestors in Stallworth's situation. I don't see the outrage on how Florida's legal system smacked him on the hand. Yes, a 30 day sentence is a smack on the hand. Heck, he only did one day anyway.

"Stallworth was given a 30-day jail sentence and reached an undisclosed financial settlement with Reyes’ family. Besides jail time, Stallworth’s sentence included two years of house arrest, eight years of probation and other restrictions." -AP

I understand that there was no true mens rea with Stallworth. In other words, he didn't intend on killing the victim. Vick on the other hand had a solid mens rea and dogs died because of it. But it's sad we live in a time where people defend dogs over human life. Miami should have been outraged by Stallworth's actions. The Browns should have cut him from the roster. At what point do we take a stand and say, you need to be punished so you don't do this again?

Instead, Stallworth is back at home and can already leave the house to train for his return to the game. For the most part, he's living comfortable again, something Vick didn't have an option on. I can't put my finger on it, but these circumstances smells like injustice to me. Are you catching the same whiff?

Monday, August 10, 2009

Spirituality or Religion: Ohhh, How they Differ!

What makes the difference between these two words? When we speak of religion, we aren't necessarily speaking of spirituality. Instead, religion often offers one a path to become spiritual. By in large, spirituality does not only consist of attending your church, mosque, synagogue, etc. These actions are more so rituals and can become so mundane, they might have no bearing on one's heart and mind (going through the motions).

Religion mainly is exoteric. Meaning, religion mainly deals with the outer forms of man's quest to align with his creator. A good example could be the Ten Commandments or the five daily prayers required of a Muslim. In short, religion gives man a foundation to conduct himself according to his creator's wishes (e.g, Buddhism, Christianity, Islam, Hinduism, etc.)

Spirituality;however, goes much deeper. It deals with the esoteric side of things. It questions the heart of man, and also makes outer practices and rituals null and void if man's heart is not in the right place.

The LORD saw how great man's wickedness on the earth had become, and that every inclination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil all the time. -Genesis 6:5

Being spiritual is not only applying the teachings from previous Masters and religious scriptures, it literally is transforming into those same teachings. Study any Master such as Jesus (p.b.u.h) or Muhammed (p.b.u.h) and you will realize that they were the same teachings they preached. And so a line is drawn between religion and spirituality and it's pretty thin.

The goal of man should not be to be religious but spiritual. And actually, it's hard work. Being spiritual is being able to see the difference between a wordly existence and a soulful existence. I believe that all men have a soul and this portion of their consciousness is eternal. To tap into the soul, especially by the help of a competent teacher or guru, transcends religion. It is the direct path that one must take to become one with his Father.

Now that you can see the difference, you have work to do. Good luck.

Thursday, August 6, 2009

10 Startling Facts About the Illuminati and Other Secret Societies

1. Luciferians were founded by Gualterio Lollard in the 14th century. They asserted that Lucifer and his angels represented knowledge and wisdom.

2.The eye shining on the pyramid on the dollar bill is a metaphor of the Illuminati being in all places at all times with a clear view and no chance of error; like God.

3.Albert Pike was a Confederate general during the Civil War. As a Mason, he held the rank of Supreme Great General Inspector from 1859 till his death. He wrote Morals and Dogmas of the Masonry.

4. The Bilderberg Club was officially created in May 1954 in Holland (named after the hotel they met at). Prince Bernhard zu Lippe-Biesterfeld, the present day Dutch Monarchy created it. He was a member of Hitler's SS and a member of the Nazi party.

5. The aim of the Illuminati was to conquer the world after three great wars occurred. Two have already taken place.

6. Lucifer, in the eyes of the Illuminati is not a demon like figure;moreso, He is a symbol of elevation, the real carrier of "light."

7.An ancient Islamic secret society, Hash-Ashin, held bitterness towards the Knights of Templar. They claimed the Knights copied their symbols and organization. Researchers claim their beliefs centered around Kabbala, alchemy and gnosticism.

8. Conspiracy theorist's research points to Tony Blair and Bill Clinton being members of the Bilderberg Club.

9.David Rockefeller, founder of the Trilateral Commision, goal is to break "traditional" established powers. In fact, his Commission's goal is to create a private establishment that would unite the efforts of the U.S., Europe and Japan without the problem of territorial borders.

10. "National Socialism will make use of its own revolution to establish a new world order" -Adolf Hitler

-Source Beyond Angels and Demons- The Truth Behind the Fiction- Rene Chandelle