What makes the difference between these two words? When we speak of religion, we aren't necessarily speaking of spirituality. Instead, religion often offers one a path to become spiritual. By in large, spirituality does not only consist of attending your church, mosque, synagogue, etc. These actions are more so rituals and can become so mundane, they might have no bearing on one's heart and mind (going through the motions).
Religion mainly is exoteric. Meaning, religion mainly deals with the outer forms of man's quest to align with his creator. A good example could be the Ten Commandments or the five daily prayers required of a Muslim. In short, religion gives man a foundation to conduct himself according to his creator's wishes (e.g, Buddhism, Christianity, Islam, Hinduism, etc.)
Spirituality;however, goes much deeper. It deals with the esoteric side of things. It questions the heart of man, and also makes outer practices and rituals null and void if man's heart is not in the right place.
The LORD saw how great man's wickedness on the earth had become, and that every inclination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil all the time. -Genesis 6:5
Being spiritual is not only applying the teachings from previous Masters and religious scriptures, it literally is transforming into those same teachings. Study any Master such as Jesus (p.b.u.h) or Muhammed (p.b.u.h) and you will realize that they were the same teachings they preached. And so a line is drawn between religion and spirituality and it's pretty thin.
The goal of man should not be to be religious but spiritual. And actually, it's hard work. Being spiritual is being able to see the difference between a wordly existence and a soulful existence. I believe that all men have a soul and this portion of their consciousness is eternal. To tap into the soul, especially by the help of a competent teacher or guru, transcends religion. It is the direct path that one must take to become one with his Father.
Now that you can see the difference, you have work to do. Good luck.
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