Sure, Sia can take you back to the Jim Crow days when our ancestors were hung for merely looking at white women. Why? Because thats just how much European males hated the concept of Africans and Europeans mating, let alone producing children. In fact, states created laws where consensual sex between a "white" women and a "black" male was considered rape by law. Don't believe these absurd kinds of laws existed check this-Exhibit A:
Alabama Code 4189: "If any white person and any negro or the descendant of any negro to the third generation was a white person, intermarry or live in adultery or fornication with each other, each of them must, on conviction, be imprisoned in the penitentiary or sentenced to hard labor for the county for not less than two nor more than seven years."
-Dred's Scott Revenge-page 134 (Source)
Crazy right? This hostility of the two races coming together in a heterosexual context perhaps only made both sides more curious about each other. But Ohh, the drama that comes with a black man dating a white women. Check out Othello, Native Son or Jungle fever if you think I'm kidding!
But back to Kanye. I know in Hollywood, one of the symbols of success for a African brother is to acquire that pretty European women on his arm. Lets face it-it's true, or atleast many people feel as such. And guess what? Kanye did just that. But, and it's a big but-I'm going to pardon Mr. West and it has nothing to do with the incredibly dope beats he produces. Here are my reasons:
1) Kanye lost two of the most important women to him in a relatively short amount of time: His mom died and His girlfriend apparently dumped him. That will have any man in the weeds searching for something.
2)Kanye never claimed to be a black nationalist-he's just a brother that's super talented and has a fetish with lovely ladies, preferably models, from Europe. Search out Kanye West on this blog to see where I unveiled this fetish. Now if he rhymed like Public Enemy or X-Clan, that would be totally different. LOL
3)In all of his arrogance, maybe he is still shining on African-American women. 808 Heartbreak was for his ex, but maybe this time Kanye is saying-I'm done with all yall-"Play with it."
4)Well, love is love. If my son brings home some feminine, dime piece, Euro speciment, and he says this is the one-will I be mad? No. I'm more concerned about the psyche of it all. Marry her because you love her- not because she's white.
5) He's a grown man and can do whatever he wants. At the end of the night, a man makes decisions that, hopefully, make him a better man and for Kanye West, maybe Amber Rose is just that.
ReplyDeleteInteresting post...definitely made me think. But two things: I think Amber Rose is actually American and I think she's biracial (white father, black mother).
And I agree, if Kanye loves her, it doesn't mattter what she looks like or her race.