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Monday, June 8, 2009

Do We All Come From the Same Place?

There are interesting theories on where we as human beings come from. Anthropologist and Scientist admit that, so far as they have found, Africa is the birthplace of human civilization. Lets face it, our educational system on who we are as human beings and our inherent birthplace is foggy at best. The western world often refers to the "Adam and Eve" story. However, that story only dates back to 5,000+ years ago. I have evidence on my books shelf that places the Sphinx atleast 40,000 years old.

Even the Bible suggest or infers that others existed before Adam in Genesis. For instance, if Cain was the offspring of Adam and Eve, how quickly were they popping out babies? After the infamous first murder of the Bible, Cain says upon knowing he will be put in exile by Allah himself: "I will be a restless wanderer on the earth and whoever finds me will kill me." (Gen. 4:13)

My point is if these were truly the first siblings in humanity, where did the other people come from who would find Cain on his nomadic venture? Furthermore, whats up with Nod, the land east of Eden? Cain goes there and finds a wife? Hmmm. So there were other people around! (Gen 4:17). But then Allah said NO, no one touches (murders) Cain, thus giving him the "mark" for protection. In other words, these other people were going to kill him had it not been for Allah and his graceful pardon(Gen 4:15). According to Cain, people would discover him and kill

So I have just proven how the first several pages of the Bible does not offer clear cut answers on the beginning times of man. And for your info, Adam had two different sets of offspring (Gen 4:25/4:1)

Now, the rabbit whole gets deeper. If indeed the dark hue man was the first, that would make him indigeneous-a direct descendant from God in laymen terms. So where did the pale skin man come from? Lets mention a couple of theories on this topic. There is a Vitamin D albino theory which states that Europeans were dark hue until they moved to colder regions in which they adapted and transformed into a entirely different race.

There is a theory that ancient Egyptians (pre-dynasty) created the European race. As Bobby Hemmit said, they deemed it an "experiment gone bad." If you think this notion is far fetch, realize that cloning exist now and there is nothing new under the son according to Solomon. Anyway it goes, science shows that they are not the original man.

So the logical question is what are they and how do they differ from melanin infused people? Now, in all fairness, if you are on this earth, you deserve to be treated in fairness and equality...regardless. All I'm saying is where can they be traced back in ancient history? And if the Sphinx is atleast 40,000 years old, why are we told that man's history can only be traced back to Adam and Eve? There is a thin line between science, history, and spirtuality. Things that make you go hmm. Take the time to look at this discourse from Bobby Hemmit, it's quite interesting.

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