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Sunday, June 14, 2009

The Revolution Will Not Be Televised!

I remember hearing that quote back in Spike Lee's prime. Yes, the revolution will not be Televised. This is not to say that it will not be presented to us. Moreover, it's to say that the revolution will be so all encompassing, one will not foresee the ends to its means once it's presented.

Bit by bit, the pieces of the New World Order (N.W.O), but everyone will sleep on it. They will actually contribute to this new global scheme of world domination by Europe. When they witness the atrocities that will result afterwards,the desire to research history to find some justification for the occurrences will arise in the masses. Unfortunately, by then it will be to late.

John Henricke Clarke noted in his book Christopher Columbus and the Afrikan Holocaust, "Slavery and the Rise of the European Capitalism,
"They have already proven that they have a mission in mind, irrespective of religion, politics or cultural affiliation and that mission is to dominate the world and all of its resources by any means necessary. The new rationale for this dominance is now called a New World Order [my emphasis]. Africans and other non-European people must plan and strategize for a New World Order for their own that will be developed by them, for them. Our mission should not be to conquer Europe, but to contain Europe within its borders and let it be known that anything Europe wants from other parts of the world can be had through honorable trade."

History is the best teacher, and if we take an honest look at the timeline of historical events, from their escape from the Church of England, Europeans of the so called New World have come to power on the backs of indigenous cultures. Afrikans, who became Negroes under the authority of their masters, took the brunt of this labor. Not only were we forced to work but outsiders also purged our history from written record, took credit for most of our accomplishments, trained us to hate our own brother and sister (See the Willie Lynch documents here), and equated our inherent logic to one of a beast.

You show me a so called "black man" that does not see the significance of all "blacks" uniting on an international front, and I'll show you a man who still has the same thinking that his ancestors had no choice to accept in the 18th century.

In America, we look at other cultures resentment to the United States. Japan, China, Venezuela and Iran are classic examples. Any culture that took pride in inducing the biggest holocaust to humanity (and had the nerve to say it was the Christian thing to do) should be treated cautiously. Sadly, because of how long it took to get formal apologies, we are just now beginning to see apologies from our government for the slavery that built this country from the ground up. Does a formal apology do anything to help our condition? Doubted.

I look at the tube and praise Allah that I don't have cable. I look to the news and find history repeating itself. I see our youth being swayed towards ungodly ideals everyday. Politicians are blatantly in the business for their own benefits, and the land of the free and home of the brave seems that it's close to running it's empire in a ditch. How long can any great empire last anyway?

The revolution will not be televised because what you see on T.V. is not the revolution, moreso, you see the small bits and pieces that are needed for this revolution to be initiated(it's already in progress). If we don't combat their revolution with our own, where will we be at the end of the night?

Laws are in place to protect your natural rights that God gave you-but if you don't defend them, history can show you were you will be down the road.

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