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Monday, June 22, 2009

Kiss the M.S.T.of A. Goodbye-R.I.P

I had an epiphany this morning. If Drew Ali, a so called "prophet" of Islam, is really a prophet, if he really brought such a profound message to the dark hue people in America, how come the legendary African American scholars never mentioned him? How come the Quran of Mecca leaves no room for his presence? I'll listen if you can find me one reputable African historian that affirmed that Drew Ali's movement was truly legit and divine. Again, I'll listen when you show me what Surah includes the verse that states there will be another prophet beyond Muhammad (and don't come with the same interpretation of Surahs that can be struck down in the Quran).

Yeah, Yeah, Yeah, you can say why do I keep bringing this bogus movement up (M.S.T.of A)? Well, I'm educating you, as well as others on the truth about organizations that simply waste the majority of people's time. You have a right to know! So here we go....(I promise this is the last time I address this organization...resolution is near!)

Now...allow me to give you some angles..all from documentation I acquired when I was a member in the organization. I will let most of the documentation do the talking. Note, I will not address one single individual. I am not in the business of attacking people, but just as I challenge our government when they are out of line, I'd do the same to any organization if their principles are obscure and misleading.

The Oral Statements and Prophecies of Prophet Drew Ali (I'm quoting their info)
"I remember when I was on the soul-plane, I remember when I was Noah. Noah was a carpenter and he built the Ark. When the flood came, men came swimming out to the Ark and knocked on the door, and said, "Noah, Noah, let us in" and I told them, "The door is locked, and an angel came, and took the key away."

"Rome, 2000 years ago, you got me, but I got you today." (when the prophet was here 2000 years ago as Jesus, the Roman Nation crucified Him, but when he came as prophet Noble Drew Ali, He accomplished everything that he came for. their emphasis)

"Don't keep dogs in your house, because if you inhale one of its hairs, it could cut your throat"

"One day there is going to be so many women, a man is going to have to run for his life"

No, I'm not making this up-according to Moors that existed when he was alive, he said these things.

Sounds a little cultish doesn't it? But there's more juice! I can assure you that though there are numerous chapters of the M.S.T.of A, they all seem to be isolated from one another. There is no unity between these factions, in fact alot of branches rival each other. For instance, my former branch rivaled another branch because the former claimed to be the true, legitimate branch descended from Ali himself. The latter meanwhile would sling mud at the other branch which led only to confusion, something the so called prophet spoke against.

It should be noted that there are plenty of things that Drew Ali mentioned that held relevance. Yet at the end of the night, we are dealing with a disorganized group of African-Americans that claim they have a nationality, yet have no nation. Doesn't that snatch the root out of the movement? If you don't have a nation, how can you have a government? Yes, my friends, I see what Drew Ali attempted to do, but the fact is HE DIDN'T DO IT!

My former branch apparently only has seven members across the United States. If they have more, I'd estimate 20 (LOL). The branch I was in before them, sadly enough, was a similar situation. Mind you, this movement has been around since 1913.

And just when you thought I was done, the story continues! Look at a Grand Sheik's (a temple leader in the movement) response to a legitimate question on a blog by the M.S.T. of A. The lack of spirituality in the reply is evident and one questioning Drew Ali's divinity should not offend a member if he or she is secure in his faith. I was taught in the temple to not argue religion. Apparently, the leaders need to take a script of their own medicine.

  1. rise Praising The Great God of The Universe,Honoring Allahs Prophet,honors to all whom are honorable.

    Islam,Bro.----- -- in reading this posting,I have issues with foreign terms of “hadith” and “da’wah”. Surah 10:47 of the Noble Quran states “To every people (was sent) a Messenger” In order for that Messenger to be sent to a nation he had to speak the national language of that particular people.What is the national language of Moorish Americans? ----- -- could you show me in Prophet Noble Drew Ali oral statements where he invited ones to speak a foreign language? I humbly await your reply

  2. admin Says:

    Islam -----I will first answer your questions but what first troubled me, as a Moorish American Moslem, is the fact that you allowed this brother to question your Prophet as being Holy. I question the fact that you didn’t address this enemy of the Prophet and his insinuating that our Holy and Illustrious Prophet was a failure. Now, what is the root of this issue? Is it that we are doing what the Prophet said on the back of the Questionaire and you are having a problem with it? (what's all the beef for-my emphasis) The Back of our Questionaire which contains Our Authority states,” The Moorish Science Temple of America deriving its power and authority from the Great Koran of Mohammed to propagate the faith and extend the learning and truth of the Great Prophet of ALI in America”.
    What does, ”extend the learning” mean? Isn’t English composed of many different languages and terms; ie, terms such as: fiancĂ©’, rendezvous, etc.? Didn’t the Prophet say that we had to take this to the East and uplift our brothers and sisters over there? We are identifying with the whole Islamic world by extending the learning or in other words,” furthering” or “building upon the foundation”. By the way, our ancient forefathers and mothers spoke many languages and one of them being Arabic. Matter of fact, we study many languages in the Grand Body. We study Wolof and Arabic.
    Now, I pray that you aren’t the ------------ that goes by the name ------------ that refuses to return the Warrant of Authority given to you by the Supreme Grand Sheik? If that is the case, you would be an embezzler of the faith and not worthy of being recognized as a Moor (nothing like a leader that lets the whole world know internal discrepancies within an organization that barely has a rock to stand on!!!- my emphasis).
    Well, I hope this answers your questions. As you can see, we are in the Law and Follow the Prophet in works, words, and deeds.
    Peace and Love, ----- -- GS (Grand Sheik)

And this is a Sheik, someone of religious authority responding in this fashion-wow!! Reminds me of baptist church drama.


Not to say they weren't on to something at all, but I'd be a fool to elevate Ali's impact over Garvey.

So if any of your Moors wanna talk to me, I come in peace and love but freedom of speech is something! Show me your vast nation. Show me what your government has done. Show me what the Moors are doing in the community RIGHT NOW. 96 years is plenty of time don't you think? Show me your country. And don't try to say this is our country because the Europeans took that from us a long time ago. Show me the the legitimacy of the term "Moorish" American. How does it compare to a Nigerian-American? Last time I checked, Moorish is not a country and never has been (nationalities contain country-Continent). Does the United States Government even recognized your nationality? The Indians have laws on the books-did Drew Ali establish that for his so called nation? Has your constitution been amended to adjust with modern times? If the movement is so legitimate, how come the different branches don't come together?

Lastly, I ask the Moors, if Muhammad (peace be upon him) was around, would he unite with the M.S.T. of A? Or would you be slain for blasphemy? Islam is the straight path and this movement's path is definitely crooked. So to state it clearly, I believe the latter choice in the aforesaid question would be appropriate.

I'm closing the casket...this blog is the death of the M.S.T.of A. (Moment of Silence Please).

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