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Wednesday, June 24, 2009

God, Money, or Religion? Choose Wisely

In my religion in America class tonight, my professor said some chilling words spoken by Mr. J.D. Rockefeller himself. If only you could see the words under his sinister looking face on the Time magazine cover. Paraphrasing as close as I can to his actual words he said something almost exactly like "I believe it is a religion to make as much money as you can."

Now, let's flip that. On the contrary, The biblical figure Timothy said the words, "The love of money is the root of all evil." If this is true, then we should be concerned about families such as the Rockerfellers and the Rothschilds. If families as such feel the same way, is it fair to say that they love money? Could there be a hidden meaning behind the ironic statement on the back of your dollar bill, "In God We Trust?" Again, if a man desires money enough whereas he tells the whole nation that,for him, it is a religion to obtain it...doesn't that constitute the love of money? Couldn't money then be his God?

You might say Oronde, you're going to far with this. But I'm known to do such things so follow me for a few more minutes. The love of money coupled with the rigorous pursuit thereof allows one to enter a delusional state where everything, and everyone is merely an object, a stepping stone, if you will, to reach the means.

Not to get side tracked, but isn't that what happened in the south in the early 19th century in this country? Did not the southerners come up with excuse after excuse to justify slavery? Where they not blinded to the fact that had become savages by stripping Africans of there God given freedom just so they could make money?

Now let's fast forward. How about Kenneth Lay, founder of Enron? He and his corporate goons did not once consider the impact they would eventually have on innocent people who invested in their company, nor their employees who worked hard to build up their evil empire.
These men elevated money over citizen's natural rights and thereby debased themselves and any of those who were impacted by their folly.

Heck, since we're rolling, why not throw George Bush and Cheney in the mix? They were pretty up front about their private interest and it was clear that running the country was not their top priority.

Maybe the founding fathers meant in God we trust, but being that they owned slaves, I even question that at times. Who knows the hearts of the men that created the most powerful country in the world. Could it be that behind all the righteous ideals the founding fathers had, everyone had their eye on the dollar bill? Who knows, but between Kenny, Rockefeller and the Bush family, I've just shown you it's possible.

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