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Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Does the Color of Jesus Even Matter?

Historically speaking, yes says Oronde. So long as I can see, the ancient history of the African race has been trampled over, swept under rug, and remodeled for the western world. So spiritually speaking, no, the color of Jesus doesn't matter. However, historically speaking, his color does matter.

Couple that with that fact that Europeans glorified this fake, white, blond hair, blue eyed godman even to the point of justifying slavery---knowing the truth about the matter holds even more relevance in African communities across the world.

Remember, that Africans could not speak the toungue of the Portugese, English, or Dutch (some of the major slave traders right after Columbus opened the market up). What happened in the "breaking in" process of slaves? And yes, there was a breaking in process which Europeans attempted to solidify African's new mode of behavior, customs, creed, religion, etc- I like to call it whitewash.

Well, among many things, Africans were presented with pictures. You probably didn't know that the elaborate stain glasses in churches that display saints and Jesus use to have a more profound meaning, did you? Well think about it. We couldn't read in those times, so a picture was truly worth "a thousand words." And it's no secret that Europeans in power used this to their advantage as a thesis for them being the superior race.

I'll never forget Amistad. Spielberg presented the concept of the Bible, whereas there were plenty of pictures for Africans to see that the white jesus had a direct lineage to God. Meanwhile, western history books boldly state that one of their excuses for murdering, and enslaving natives was because they weren't Christians. So much for do unto others as you would have done to yourself Iguess. Anyway, I won't hold you long today because I want you to view these two clips from Donahue where this same topic is discussed. Know your history, know yourself, and then you will know the truth.


  1. Thought provoking post. I remember taking my caucasian friend to church with me when I was younger. She was very shocked to see a brown skinned Jesus on the walls. She asked me which Apostle he was.. ahh good times!

  2. Classic Indeed! Thanks for dropping in and stay plugged as I will to your blog! Peace!
