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Friday, June 12, 2009

Wanting Heaven but Reaching for Hell (Part 1)

Two weeks ago, I made a decision to stop drinking. I felt it was necessary for several reasons, all basically centered around spiritual ideals. Remember last Monday, we opened the week discussing how the internal love that exist within us is strong enough to blossom any virtuos attributes in our characters if we so choose.

But in the entertainment industry, I find some of the strangest and most illogical thoughts. What do I mean? Well, honestly, I get the weirdest reactions when I tell people I've quit. Most are in disbelief until they realize that I've been drinking Sprite all night. I've received one congratulation, and several other nudges of encouragement.

But then, I also have been getting this warped kind of pyschological paradox from people. For instance, one associate said that his boss told him that he was a d#@K when he sobered up. In addition, he noted that he would go several weeks without drinking just to prove he could quite...and then start drinking again.

Yesterday night at the gig, I told the bartender I will be ordering no alcohol all night. After letting her know I quit, she noted, "I had a rough one last night." I told her, "I've had one to many rough ones."

Now, we as humans want heaven but our minds seem to reach for hell. What do I mean? I simply mean that our own thinking drops poisonous seeds that blossom and circumvent the good which we were born to create. Moreover, I know plenty of people that have substance abuse problems, want to change, acknowledge that they're wrong, yet perpetually continue to hurt themselves. Why? There are many reasons, and surely I can relate. In fact, I'm just like you.

This is why in Islam, our holy book asserts that we are children of Adam. In other words, we are more inclined to follow our own will, not the harmonious will that exists within us. Ironically, however, we all are inherently created to be representatives of the Most High. Think about it. No matter what you want, at some point you have to reach out and grab it. Your mind dictates what you want and your actions navigate your reach; therefore, the average human being wants heaven but reaches for hell.

I'm sorry to tell you that in this life, you can't have your cake and eat it to. So long as nature has existed, we know that everything comes in pairs. The same can be said for our personalities and characters and if we are wise, at some point in our lives, we make a choice and stick with it. We decide not only do we want heaven, but we are willing to put ourselves in position to receive heaven. This means one has to acquire a shift in thought. It's like being blindfolded and taking someone's hand through the forest. Though you can't see, you left the force or the divine will guide your steps (instead of the person leading you).

When you make a decision to dedicate your life to the divine will that exists within you, you should not feel like the average person. You should not feel worldly. You should feel like an alien on a unknown planet. Your goal: to uphold your creeds from you native home.

This shift is important because we are Lords of this plane. The average person lets the world dictate to them who they will be. They will go with the flow and become sucked in the ways of this rigid world and by doing so, they take on all the negative aspects that we see from this world. Our only sane wall of defense is free will and our minds. Stay tuned for part two.

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