-(To the left) The Roman Sun God Mithras
I'm not here to spoil anyone's Christmas holiday by far. However, researching the history behind Christmas has some fascinating findings. For one, Jesus wasn't the first religious figure head to have His birthday celebrated on December 25th. Horus (Isis' son from Egyptian Mythology) and Mithras (A Roman Pagan Sun God) also had their birthdays celebrated on December 25th (to name a couple). Again, these religious figureheads came before Jesus.
So what gives? What makes this date so popular? Perhaps because the underlying theme of Christmas has always been the winter solstice. Ancient Northern Europeans (and some till this day) refers to this time as "Yule,"i.e., Yule Tide, etc. Yule means "wheel" and that same wheel is a direct reference to the sun, not the "Son."
The rabbit hole gets deeper. Your Christmas tree that you have was actually an altar for the Druids in ancient days (ornaments now could be perceived as "offerings" to the tree/altar). The trees also were symbolic, inherently speaking, since it gave the Druids the hope that their crops would eventually return after the winter passed.
Now, since many pagans already celebrated their gods on the same day, Pope Julian found it politically necessary and easier to make the Christians celebrate their god on the same day. This is why all historical research shows that Jesus, more than likely, was not born in the winter. In fact, the books in my library point to either the fall or spring.
What am I getting at? Is it okay for a European, or white man to celebrate Kwanza? I mean really ladies and gentleman? If you were to step up in George Bush's estate to find that they were in the middle of celebrating Kwanza (Picture George Bush in African attire)-would that be okay? Would it come across as normal or abnormal, logical or illogical?
If you side with the latter, then what makes you think it's okay for African-Americans to celebrate a holiday that is inherently European (to the core...do your own research)? I'm just saying!
Now, there is nothing wrong with the spirit of peace, love and good will to all men. It's nothing wrong with the spirit of giving. But again, unless you subscribe to it being okay for Bush and his family doing it big for Kwanza, why should African-Americans take on all the ancient traditions and customs of Europeans. To a degree, shouldn't we do something that aligns us with our own customs and traditions?
Maybe I'm biased. Maybe since I only remember a Christmas tree in my house once while I was growing up and the fact that we normally celebrated Kwanza;maybe, my attachment to Christmas isn't as strong as yours. However, atleast consider that you might be automatically embracing another culture's ancient belief system (praising there former gods) by being all in for Christmas. If nothing else, it's something to think about.
rise Praising The Great God of The Universe,Honoring Allahs Prophet,honors to all whom are honorable.
Islam,Bro.----- -- in reading this posting,I have issues with foreign terms of “hadith” and “da’wah”. Surah 10:47 of the Noble Quran states “To every people (was sent) a Messenger” In order for that Messenger to be sent to a nation he had to speak the national language of that particular people.What is the national language of Moorish Americans? ----- -- could you show me in Prophet Noble Drew Ali oral statements where he invited ones to speak a foreign language? I humbly await your reply
May 23rd, 2009 at 5:19 pm
Islam -----I will first answer your questions but what first troubled me, as a Moorish American Moslem, is the fact that you allowed this brother to question your Prophet as being Holy. I question the fact that you didn’t address this enemy of the Prophet and his insinuating that our Holy and Illustrious Prophet was a failure. Now, what is the root of this issue? Is it that we are doing what the Prophet said on the back of the Questionaire and you are having a problem with it? (what's all the beef for-my emphasis) The Back of our Questionaire which contains Our Authority states,” The Moorish Science Temple of America deriving its power and authority from the Great Koran of Mohammed to propagate the faith and extend the learning and truth of the Great Prophet of ALI in America”.
What does, ”extend the learning” mean? Isn’t English composed of many different languages and terms; ie, terms such as: fiancĂ©’, rendezvous, etc.? Didn’t the Prophet say that we had to take this to the East and uplift our brothers and sisters over there? We are identifying with the whole Islamic world by extending the learning or in other words,” furthering” or “building upon the foundation”. By the way, our ancient forefathers and mothers spoke many languages and one of them being Arabic. Matter of fact, we study many languages in the Grand Body. We study Wolof and Arabic.
Now, I pray that you aren’t the ------------ that goes by the name ------------ that refuses to return the Warrant of Authority given to you by the Supreme Grand Sheik? If that is the case, you would be an embezzler of the faith and not worthy of being recognized as a Moor (nothing like a leader that lets the whole world know internal discrepancies within an organization that barely has a rock to stand on!!!- my emphasis).
Well, I hope this answers your questions. As you can see, we are in the Law and Follow the Prophet in works, words, and deeds.
Peace and Love, ----- -- GS (Grand Sheik)