
African-American (7) American History X (9) Barak Obama (7) Bible (1) Big Pooh (1) Biggie Smalls (2) Buddhism (4) Can it Be (1) Caster Semenya (1) Civilization (1) Drew Ali (6) Eminem (2) Football (1) Gang Related (1) God (1) Hip-Hop Comedy (1) Hip-Hop Duets (1) Hip-Hop Politics (6) Horus (1) Islam (9) Islamism (4) Jay-Z (2) Jesus (4) John Madden (1) Kidz in the Hall (1) Kwanza (1) Lawrence Taylor (1) Legal Matters (2) Lil Wayne (4) Lincoln (3) Little Kim (2) Marcus Garvey (7) Michael Jordan (1) Michael Vick (2) Mithras (1) Moorish Science Temple of America (8) Moors (6) Muhammad (1) Notorious (1) Obama (1) Old School v. New School (2) Planet Zoron (4) Power Quote (3) Pyschology (1) Quotes (3) Rap battles (1) Rick Ross (1) The Golden Rule (1) U.S. Press (2) african heritage (5) ancient History (1) apology (1) artist (2) bad hip-hop (4) battle raps (1) bikini (1) black exploitation (3) burkini (1) change (1) christian rap (1) christianity (3) conspiracy theories (6) constitution (1) contracts (1) crack (1) ego (1) engine room (1) excuses (1) friendship (1) hip-hop (19) humility (1) illuminati (5) injustice (1) inspiration (1) jackin beats (1) jungle fever (2) kanye west (5) life (3) lifestyles (2) live perfomance (1) loyalty (1) lupe fiasco (1) music advice (3) mysticism (1) new world order (1) parenting (1) perfection (1) politics (7) producers (1) racism (3) rap (2) rehab (1) religion (1) repentance (1) rhyming (1) rhythm and blues (1) secret societies (1) seth pickens (2) slavery (6) spirituality (19) steve mcnair (1) substance abuse (1) waterboarding (1) young artist (1)

Monday, December 14, 2009

To Celebrate or Not: How the Race Card Altered December 25th.

-(To the left) The Roman Sun God Mithras
I'm not here to spoil anyone's Christmas holiday by far. However, researching the history behind Christmas has some fascinating findings. For one, Jesus wasn't the first religious figure head to have His birthday celebrated on December 25th. Horus (Isis' son from Egyptian Mythology) and Mithras (A Roman Pagan Sun God) also had their birthdays celebrated on December 25th (to name a couple). Again, these religious figureheads came before Jesus.

So what gives? What makes this date so popular? Perhaps because the underlying theme of Christmas has always been the winter solstice. Ancient Northern Europeans (and some till this day) refers to this time as "Yule,"i.e., Yule Tide, etc. Yule means "wheel" and that same wheel is a direct reference to the sun, not the "Son."

The rabbit hole gets deeper. Your Christmas tree that you have was actually an altar for the Druids in ancient days (ornaments now could be perceived as "offerings" to the tree/altar). The trees also were symbolic, inherently speaking, since it gave the Druids the hope that their crops would eventually return after the winter passed.

Now, since many pagans already celebrated their gods on the same day, Pope Julian found it politically necessary and easier to make the Christians celebrate their god on the same day. This is why all historical research shows that Jesus, more than likely, was not born in the winter. In fact, the books in my library point to either the fall or spring.

What am I getting at? Is it okay for a European, or white man to celebrate Kwanza? I mean really ladies and gentleman? If you were to step up in George Bush's estate to find that they were in the middle of celebrating Kwanza (Picture George Bush in African attire)-would that be okay? Would it come across as normal or abnormal, logical or illogical?

If you side with the latter, then what makes you think it's okay for African-Americans to celebrate a holiday that is inherently European (to the your own research)? I'm just saying!

Now, there is nothing wrong with the spirit of peace, love and good will to all men. It's nothing wrong with the spirit of giving. But again, unless you subscribe to it being okay for Bush and his family doing it big for Kwanza, why should African-Americans take on all the ancient traditions and customs of Europeans. To a degree, shouldn't we do something that aligns us with our own customs and traditions?
Maybe I'm biased. Maybe since I only remember a Christmas tree in my house once while I was growing up and the fact that we normally celebrated Kwanza;maybe, my attachment to Christmas isn't as strong as yours. However, atleast consider that you might be automatically embracing another culture's ancient belief system (praising there former gods) by being all in for Christmas. If nothing else, it's something to think about.

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Why Marcus Garvey Wouldn't Support the M.S.T.of A (Part 2)

The push for Asiatics in America to have a nationality is most necessary. However, just what nationality would be appropriate is a perplexing philosophical conversation. In all respect, I admired Drew Ali's attempt to give Asiatics a nationality. However, it proved futile and this is nothing less than a fact. Only the smallest percentage of Asiatics refer to themselves as "Moorish-Americans" and I believe the cause of that is because the term simply does not fit the match.

The African scholar, Wayne B. Chandler, states that the term Moor can be traced to 46 B.C. Herein, we have a Roman army that entered West Africa referring to black Africans they encountered as Maures from the Greek adjective "mauros," which simply meant dark or black. Meanwhile, the Greeks who approached east Africa called the black Africans they encountered Ethiops. Ethiop is inherently Greek and stems from the words aithein {to burn} and ops {face}, i.e. burnt face. However, these are simply terms that ancient Europeans labeled Africans, and they simply were NOT nationalities. It should be mentioned that there were all kinds of different ethnic groups of Africans stemming from different places. They merely were adjectives that described the physical nature of the humans they saw {black or dark skinned}.

"The broad use of the term Moor begs the question: Who were the real Moors? Or as Chancellor Williams queried with a recognizable tinge of frustration, "Now, again, just who were the Moors?" He continues, " the original Moors, like the original Egyptians, were black Africans [emphasis added]. As amalgamation became more and more widespread, only the Berbers, Arabs and coloureds in the Moroccan territories were called Moors." -Source- African Presence in Early Europe

If one reads between the aforesaid lines, he would learn that the term Moor was NEVER a nationality. It was given to us by a foreign race for lack of a better classification. Herein lies the problem in Moor being used as the modern day nationality for displaced Africans in America.

Now to place it even more clear cut, lets use an example. An Irish-American can trace himself back to Ireland. An Italian can trace his bloodline directly to Italy. In contrast, can African-Americans trace their lineage to Morocco? By in large, the answer is no. A nationality connects a citizen of a nation and the nation itself, customarily involving allegiance by the citizen and protection by the state. With this comes things such as a common language, traditions, religion, etc. Bluntly put, the term Moorish-American does not embody those principles.

From the M.S.T of A's Koran Questionaire: "Why are we Moorish Americans?" "Because we are descendants of Moroccans and born in America." However, today's Asiatics don't necessarily come from descendants of Moroccans, especially when history notes that there were many tribes originating from many different parts of Africa when the term Moor was coined. In other words, there were Africans that lived in Western Africa who weren't necessarily Moroccans then.

Now if you want to be a Moorish-American, be that. But it strikes me odd that the top African scholars of our time never confirmed Drew Ali's notion or idea. This is not to say the term is a bad thing, but it indeed divides Asiatics even more than we already are. To that degree, it's no different than a West Indian Asiatic shunning blacks in America. It is no different than an African from Africa looking down on a African American. This is real talk, and as my previous blog mentioned, Garvey would have despised this notion. He mission was to inform us that AFRICA is our birthplace and ALL of us should be united.

Again, this is not to offend Moors, but man knows not by being told, and at some point, you have to ask yourself why the M.S.T.of A often is associated with more drama and conflict than anything else. National membership is low in all branches and branches bicker with each other so much, you often wonder will they simply fall off the tree. This is factual, coming from yours truly because like Dr. Dre said, I've been there, done that.

Learn the history of the Moors, see the potential in what we are capable of and apply that to the now. But, in my opinion, the term Moorish-American holds know weight at all. Based on the number of Moorish-Americans in America, it looks like I'm not the only one who feels that way.

*Picture Courtesy of

Friday, October 16, 2009

Why Marcus Garvey Wouldn't Support the M.S.T.A? (Part 1)

*This blog is not intended to create confusion amongst members of the M.S.T.of A nor give the M.S.T.of A, a bad reputation. This blog's purpose is to invoke critical thinking and upstanding interpersonal relations between all who might comment or take something away from the knowledge concealed. I encourage all Moors to comment and defend your square, as this is merely my opinion---and as you know, everybody has one.

Question: If Marcus Garvey was the "John the Baptist," or the forerunner of the so called prophet Noble Drew Ali (founder of the Moorish Science Temple of America), why do they have conflicting messages? Show me were John the Baptist said something contrary to what Jesus brought. And after all, I didn't choose those words, Noble Drew Ali did. In chapter 48 of the Circle 7 Koran, we read:

"In these modern days there came a forerunner of Jesus, who was divinely prepared by the great God-Allah and his name is Marcus Garvey, who did teach and warn the nations of the earth to prepare to meet the coming Prophet..."

BUT, while reading"Selected Writings and Speeches of Marcus Garvey," something struck me as odd.

In "The Philosophy and Opinions of Marcus Garvey Volume 2 (speech entitled Who and What is a Negro)," Garvey speaks against the very philosophy that Drew Ali brought to Asiatics. More specifically, I believe that Garvey would refute the term "Moorish American." Allow me to present some evidence from Garvey himself:

"If we were Negroes when we were down under the heel of oppression then we will be Negroes when we are up and liberated from such thralldom." -Marcus Garvey

In short, in this speech, Garvey notes that European scholars often isolate groups of blacks [Africans] because of some accomplishment they have achieved and classify them as non-negro. On the flip side, if Drew Ali was the prophet all our people had hoped for, a nationality better than "Moorish-American" should have been revealed. The term in itself is simply not accurate, and on it's face, Ali did a poor job of explaining the details of why we are Moorish Americans. Moreover, it is divisive. When people become members of the M.S.T. of A, they are no longer black. Ali taught Asiatics that black means death (he also taught that white means God). Subsequently, you have "Moors" who attempt to convert "blacks" to Moorish Americans. See how confusing this gets?

"Imagine a dark colored man in the middle of Africa being anything else but a negro." -Marcus Garvey

Undoubtedly, the Moors would have to admit that the forerunner sought to unite ALL Asiatics, and sought to include no division thereof. However, when Drew Ali appeared, he brought MORE confusion to the condition of the black man, women and child, in the sense of nationality.

" That is why the nationality of the Moors was taken away from them in 1774 and the word negro, black and colored, was given to the Asiatics of America who were of Moorish descent, because they honored not the principles of their mother and father, and strayed after the gods of Europe of whom they knew nothing. (Circle 7 42:17)"

But is the term Moor a nationality? In part two, I will explore the term Moor (and prove that the term is extremely ambiguos), and prove it is not a concise enough word to be classified as a competent nationality.

*pictures courtesy of and

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

If It Were My World...

I play Civilization, a strategy game where the goal is to build an empire, and I enjoy playing it very much. In the game I'm currently playing, I am overseeing an Ethiopian empire. The thing I like about Civilization is you get to rewrite history, as it has real leaders, real technology and so forth.

Anyway, my goal in this game is to AVOID war at all costs. I have quite an empire right now, and there is a small portion of the map owned by Indians. It would be nothing for me to make a military campaign to conquer their territory. However, at the end of the night, it's more rewarding to trade with them and allow them to retain their land, traditions, customs, etc.

My point is though American History did the opposite of how I am playing the game (we know the story of the "Native Americans"), I can relate to the struggles that a race goes through when they are conquered or taken away from their land. If we are to truly let love save the day, then we submit to universal principles that hinges off:

"That which you hate to be done to you, do not do to another".
"Hurt no one so that no one may hurt you. "

If we could pound this theory into our mind, we would live in an almost perfect world. The Brotherhood and Sisterhood of all citizens of the globe would be united. Prisons would not be infested with criminals. Love would be the King or Savior of the day (which is the inherent nature of all upstanding religions anyway).

I want to encourage you and let you know that it starts with me. It starts with you. Really sit and think about the power one has when he lives by the Golden Rule. Look in the nooks and crannies of your life and see where you can apply the Golden Rule more. Then, sit back and watch the universe become your biggest ally in uplifting your sisters and brothers. Don't believe me? Try it out. I bet you I'm right.

Saturday, September 12, 2009

Acts Like a Girl but Runs Like a Man?

It is true that my brother Leaf told me that Caster Semenya looked like Ron Artest. This was before I saw a visual of her. When I finally saw Ms. Flash, I had to admit that she did look like a man. As a lot of you know, rumors surfaced stating that test would be conducted to verify her sex. Well, the test were rendered and Caster Semenya has been classified as having both male and female sexual organs (hermaphrodite).

Ohh, what a potential explosive situation this could be! If they stop her from running or take her title , surely the race card will be pulled out as well as human rights . The International Olympic Committee states that her higher level of testosterone is not the main concern. Moreover, if she's able to use the testosterone may be a determining factor in whether she will possibly be stripped of her title.

"“We have raised her as a young girl and I have no doubt that she is a girl.”
Maphuthi Sekgala (Her Grandma)

Taking the rabbit whole deeper, (I'm a legal student...I'll make my education work for me on this blog-lol) the question becomes if she can utilize her testosterone while running, does it give her an unfair advantage over other female racers? Yes, it's true that she was raised as a female. But if the findings show that she is able to use her testosterone, is it unfair to other female racers who do not have the same ability? There, perhaps, will be your first legal issue.

From a human rights perspective comes our second legal issue? Because she was given portions of male and female genitalia, the parents have autonomy to choose what sex the child will live their life as. I mean last time I checked they don't have the male and female stall in public restrooms. Therefore, one cannot say that her living her life as a female is wrong. It's a choice her parents made in good faith and she had no choice in the matter. So then, will her inalienable right to live as a women override the fact that she might have biological/physiological advantages over her competitors?

And yes, it seems deplorable to strip her of her crown or even not strip her of her crown but force her to run as a male. In fact, if you were her, I'm sure you would feel humiliated. At anyrate, there best bet is to let her be. Otherwise, you'll have a legal case brewing that the whole world will be watching. South Africa will be pissed, African's everywhere will be pissed, other hermaphrodite's will be pissed, and Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton might make a buck or two. Funny but it's probably true.


Thursday, September 3, 2009

Bikini or Burkini v. East Meets West

Did you here about the Muslim women in France who wore a burkini and was subsequently banned from the pool she swam at? I think this is another sign of the times;whereas, a woman who chose the road less traveled in honor of her religion and purity was actually disciplined. After further researching the matter, there were health laws in place that banded anyone from being fully dressed in the swimming pool. But wait, it gets deeper.

"French lawmakers recently proposed a ban on the burka and other voluminous Muslim attire. President Nicolas Sarkozy backs the move, saying such clothing makes women prisoners."
-The Jarkata Globe

Ohhh, the world we live in. Why would lawmakers say that women, who have the free will to say yea or nae to wearing such apparel, are being imprisoned (apparently by there own religion)?

First, lets clear it up. These instruction came from the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH). In chapter 24 of the Holy Koran, it states, "And say to the believing women that they lower their gaze and restrain their sexual passions and do not display their adornment except what appears thereof. And let them wear head -coverings over their bosoms."

Now, I know this is contrary to everything that the western world stands on. I guess what I'm saying is whats wrong with piety, what's wrong with purity?

(In America)it's hell when you go to church and are tempted because some women seems to think church is a continuation of the night before, in which they were dressed in nearly similar apparel at the local night club (shaking it like a salt shaker).

Now, while these ignorant lawmakers are asserting these clothes are making women prisoners of their own pious actions, other Western European women are walking around in a two piece bikini. Men are staring, lusting and drooling it up. Meanwhile, the creator sees all that we do and keeps a flawless account of all our actions.

It would seem to me that people should honor women that don't want men staring at their bodies. After all, the women becomes an object of lust and the man falls into sin. In my spiritual walk, I could actually dig "burkinis" in America. I'm not perfect and burkinis makes it easier for men whose conscious are actually seared after they lust after a women. Obviously, this is foreign concept in a western world. What else is new?

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Why America Will Always Be Racially Torn

I can never forget reading an excerpt from Marcus Garvey. He said (paraphrasing) that the white man does not want "negroes" mixing with his race. Essentially, he asserted that if whites did not give Africans there own land, government and educational system, this country would forever be rationally torn. For what it's worth, this is why Garvey, as extreme as it may sound, liked the Klu Klux Klan. The one thing they had in common is they did not agree with both races integrating. Skipping forward to 2009, Garvey was right on the money with his prediction.

Racism in America is ramped these days and Obama becoming president only has exacerbated the situation. The truth is, alot of whites still view themselves as the superior race. How many rednecks across America were pissed when Obama got elected? Moreover, how many Republicans and Conservatives? Don't even try to guess that number. Why were they pissed? Because many of them inherently feel that a "black" man has no place in the oval office. Point Blank, Period. Why do they feel this way? Well, because they feel like this is their country.

I heard a old white lady in a town hall meeting cry out in desperation, "I don't know what this country has become, but I want my country back." I mean dang grandma, is Barak holding the U.S. for ransom?

Where am I going with this? Well, because of racist ideals that I believe many whites have, American will always be torn racially. Lincoln made an attempt to send us back. It didn't work, but he was on to something in his supreme ignorance (search my blog and learn why I despise Abe). And truth be told, there isn't enough integration in the world that can cure the ignorant mindset that many whites hold deep in the bosom of their heart.

Okay, so some might say Sia, this is Jim Crow talk. Times have changed. A black man is President for God's sake-isn't that enough? I would respond no. Don't try to use that as your excuse. But please believe now whites have the ultimate excuse to bail America out of the racist country it is (Barak being elected). Oh yes yall, my soul knows better.

My children go to schools everyday that promote whites being the founder of nearly everything. This is merely lies, but when you think you are the superior race, you have to sell it. It's not enough just to say it. And lets face it, the Indians were considered to be savages, just as they viewed us.

Now, let me clear it up. I know good white people. My neighbors for instance are great people. I mean, truly good hearted people, so I don't support the notion that all white people are bad. I think that kind of mentality is just as dangerous as the white's racist views towards blacks.

The only thing that can fix America's racist tendencies is love and a firm spirit of equality in action, which all humans possess the will to invoke. But usually, racist whites let their own ego prohibit these innate qualities from rising to their conscious. Because of this, a dirty game of mental slavery has been induced by the elect few that still enjoy watching the struggle of the black man, woman and child. They manipulate the economy, our (America) educational and our justice system to make sure that those who have been blessed with melanin encounter all the pot holes in life.

"We declare that the teaching in any school by alien teachers to our boys and girls, that the alien race is superior to the Negro race, is an insult to the Negro people of the world."
-Marcus Garvey

Now, perhaps no "hero" can neutralize this problem that has embedded itself in the very soil that we stand on. I tell my brothers and sisters every chance I get-don't get it twisted-not much has changed except how racism is being conveyed by whites. Yet another opportunity to wake up and smell the Sanka.

P.S.-Sia says it would do you good to listen to Sean Hannity vs. Khalid Muhammad.

Saturday, August 22, 2009

Jungle Fever Revisited: Where are the Brothers at?

I wanted to blog tonight, so I said what the heck-let's do a spin off my last blog about jungle fever. I stumbled across a clip on YouTube that had some pretty interesting takes on interracial dating (black and white). And honestly, I like the sista to the right in this clip. As she put it firmly, "We (black women) don't have enough black men for us to go around."

Well honestly folks, she's right. I don't want to bog you down with the statistics. I don't want to talk about the disparate treatment America's criminal justice system hands down to the Asiatic male. Couple that with men who are already in relationships and homosexuals, and it's easily understandable why it's difficult for a sista to find a brotha these days.

Now, whats interesting is when the host asks the European women why she prefers blacks, she exclaims, "it's the shade of their skin." Ahhhhhh, we were just talking about this on Thursday weren't we. It's the good ole don't eat that one cookie in the cookie jar kind of set up! Man it's an undeniable taboo and atleast this women was honest enough to admit it. I bet as soon as she got out her parent's house, her dating radar immediately fixed on the dark shaded brothers.

"... The other thing, of course, is that White women get into relationships with Black men because they think the sex is going to be better."
- Dennis Rodman

I personally feel it's easier to acquire a white women. I've dealt with several in my lifetime. They all were cool, crazy submissive, and all but one treated me like I was a king that just touched down to the states. More specifically, I dated a white women in 98 and remembered thinking, "This is to easy." I tell ya, I had a free pass on back massages and money, to name a few of the benefits I can mention. Essentially, I was culture shocked.

But brothers should listen up and take heed. Sistas are really getting desperate right now. I talked to my cubicle buddy a few weeks ago about this very same subject. She agreed with the sister on the right and she's at a ripe age of 25 years old. Yeah (paraphrasing her), there are brothers out their, but what noble women wants a man with his pants hanging on his knees? Couple that with his cheezy pick up line, and any good women would have already rejected him before he got halfway into his spill.

There are a lot of good sistas available fellas, more than you can imagine. But most of them are waiting on you to get your game tight. Maybe you need new role models? I mean, honestly guys, maybe Lil Wayne isn't the best person to look up to in terms of macking to a women. After all, he wishes he could "f___" every girl in the world. Oh yeah, same for Drake to.

As a race, we need a generation of brothers to rise up in character and recognize a queen when they see one. We need brothas who aren't afraid to rescue their black queen from the dumb, deaf and blindness that this western society subjects us to. We need brothers to lead sistas spiritually and economically. We need sharp, educated brothers who are willing to take on a single mother and her kids.

Now, when those brothers start popping up, and they marry a white women-how does it help the plight of the African-American race or culture? Truth of the matter is, it doesn't. Okay, I'm done with my digression.

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Kanye West: Allow Me to Pardon Him (Jungle Fever)


This has been boiling long enough on the hip-hop radar that Sia must, like everyone else in the blogosphere, throw in his two cents. Now, as it has been seen all through the net, Kanye has developed close ties with Amber Rose, a European model.

Sure, Sia can take you back to the Jim Crow days when our ancestors were hung for merely looking at white women. Why? Because thats just how much European males hated the concept of Africans and Europeans mating, let alone producing children. In fact, states created laws where consensual sex between a "white" women and a "black" male was considered rape by law. Don't believe these absurd kinds of laws existed check this-Exhibit A:

Alabama Code 4189: "If any white person and any negro or the descendant of any negro to the third generation was a white person, intermarry or live in adultery or fornication with each other, each of them must, on conviction, be imprisoned in the penitentiary or sentenced to hard labor for the county for not less than two nor more than seven years."

-Dred's Scott Revenge-page 134 (Source)

Crazy right? This hostility of the two races coming together in a heterosexual context perhaps only made both sides more curious about each other. But Ohh, the drama that comes with a black man dating a white women. Check out Othello, Native Son or Jungle fever if you think I'm kidding!

But back to Kanye. I know in Hollywood, one of the symbols of success for a African brother is to acquire that pretty European women on his arm. Lets face it-it's true, or atleast many people feel as such. And guess what? Kanye did just that. But, and it's a big but-I'm going to pardon Mr. West and it has nothing to do with the incredibly dope beats he produces. Here are my reasons:

1) Kanye lost two of the most important women to him in a relatively short amount of time: His mom died and His girlfriend apparently dumped him. That will have any man in the weeds searching for something.

2)Kanye never claimed to be a black nationalist-he's just a brother that's super talented and has a fetish with lovely ladies, preferably models, from Europe. Search out Kanye West on this blog to see where I unveiled this fetish. Now if he rhymed like Public Enemy or X-Clan, that would be totally different. LOL

3)In all of his arrogance, maybe he is still shining on African-American women. 808 Heartbreak was for his ex, but maybe this time Kanye is saying-I'm done with all yall-"Play with it."

4)Well, love is love. If my son brings home some feminine, dime piece, Euro speciment, and he says this is the one-will I be mad? No. I'm more concerned about the psyche of it all. Marry her because you love her- not because she's white.

5) He's a grown man and can do whatever he wants. At the end of the night, a man makes decisions that, hopefully, make him a better man and for Kanye West, maybe Amber Rose is just that.

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

How Mike Vick and Dante Stallworth Exposed a Flawed Legal System

Something just doesn't rub me the right way concerning the glaring differences between Michael Vick's and Dante Stallworth's circumstances. Michael Vick, of course, dealt with Federal and State charges but a good portion of that was served concurrently. Stallworth, on the other hand, dealt with the State of Florida, which is one of the most aggresive criminal law states in the land.

Vick was reported to have killed several dogs. No telling how many were killed outside of his hands. Usually, when dogs lose a fight, they are killed immediately following the fight. I got that from several sources straight from the street.

In the end however, I'm having a hard time reasoning how a man who actually killed a human being receives less legal penalties, and still maintains his place on the Cleveland Brown's roster. How does this work?

I'm not trying to place more emphasis on human life than dogs but this blog HAS to go that direction. My brother and I talked about this situation, we felt as if Stallworth should have received the treatment that Vick did and vice versa.

A hard working 57 year old man was killed at the price of a man who was inebriated way beyond the legal limit. Meanwhile, the NFL, drills players over and over again on these kinds of issues. Simply put, Stallworth getting a taxi would have saved a man's life.

But I don't see the protestors in Stallworth's situation. I don't see the outrage on how Florida's legal system smacked him on the hand. Yes, a 30 day sentence is a smack on the hand. Heck, he only did one day anyway.

"Stallworth was given a 30-day jail sentence and reached an undisclosed financial settlement with Reyes’ family. Besides jail time, Stallworth’s sentence included two years of house arrest, eight years of probation and other restrictions." -AP

I understand that there was no true mens rea with Stallworth. In other words, he didn't intend on killing the victim. Vick on the other hand had a solid mens rea and dogs died because of it. But it's sad we live in a time where people defend dogs over human life. Miami should have been outraged by Stallworth's actions. The Browns should have cut him from the roster. At what point do we take a stand and say, you need to be punished so you don't do this again?

Instead, Stallworth is back at home and can already leave the house to train for his return to the game. For the most part, he's living comfortable again, something Vick didn't have an option on. I can't put my finger on it, but these circumstances smells like injustice to me. Are you catching the same whiff?

Monday, August 10, 2009

Spirituality or Religion: Ohhh, How they Differ!

What makes the difference between these two words? When we speak of religion, we aren't necessarily speaking of spirituality. Instead, religion often offers one a path to become spiritual. By in large, spirituality does not only consist of attending your church, mosque, synagogue, etc. These actions are more so rituals and can become so mundane, they might have no bearing on one's heart and mind (going through the motions).

Religion mainly is exoteric. Meaning, religion mainly deals with the outer forms of man's quest to align with his creator. A good example could be the Ten Commandments or the five daily prayers required of a Muslim. In short, religion gives man a foundation to conduct himself according to his creator's wishes (e.g, Buddhism, Christianity, Islam, Hinduism, etc.)

Spirituality;however, goes much deeper. It deals with the esoteric side of things. It questions the heart of man, and also makes outer practices and rituals null and void if man's heart is not in the right place.

The LORD saw how great man's wickedness on the earth had become, and that every inclination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil all the time. -Genesis 6:5

Being spiritual is not only applying the teachings from previous Masters and religious scriptures, it literally is transforming into those same teachings. Study any Master such as Jesus (p.b.u.h) or Muhammed (p.b.u.h) and you will realize that they were the same teachings they preached. And so a line is drawn between religion and spirituality and it's pretty thin.

The goal of man should not be to be religious but spiritual. And actually, it's hard work. Being spiritual is being able to see the difference between a wordly existence and a soulful existence. I believe that all men have a soul and this portion of their consciousness is eternal. To tap into the soul, especially by the help of a competent teacher or guru, transcends religion. It is the direct path that one must take to become one with his Father.

Now that you can see the difference, you have work to do. Good luck.

Thursday, August 6, 2009

10 Startling Facts About the Illuminati and Other Secret Societies

1. Luciferians were founded by Gualterio Lollard in the 14th century. They asserted that Lucifer and his angels represented knowledge and wisdom.

2.The eye shining on the pyramid on the dollar bill is a metaphor of the Illuminati being in all places at all times with a clear view and no chance of error; like God.

3.Albert Pike was a Confederate general during the Civil War. As a Mason, he held the rank of Supreme Great General Inspector from 1859 till his death. He wrote Morals and Dogmas of the Masonry.

4. The Bilderberg Club was officially created in May 1954 in Holland (named after the hotel they met at). Prince Bernhard zu Lippe-Biesterfeld, the present day Dutch Monarchy created it. He was a member of Hitler's SS and a member of the Nazi party.

5. The aim of the Illuminati was to conquer the world after three great wars occurred. Two have already taken place.

6. Lucifer, in the eyes of the Illuminati is not a demon like figure;moreso, He is a symbol of elevation, the real carrier of "light."

7.An ancient Islamic secret society, Hash-Ashin, held bitterness towards the Knights of Templar. They claimed the Knights copied their symbols and organization. Researchers claim their beliefs centered around Kabbala, alchemy and gnosticism.

8. Conspiracy theorist's research points to Tony Blair and Bill Clinton being members of the Bilderberg Club.

9.David Rockefeller, founder of the Trilateral Commision, goal is to break "traditional" established powers. In fact, his Commission's goal is to create a private establishment that would unite the efforts of the U.S., Europe and Japan without the problem of territorial borders.

10. "National Socialism will make use of its own revolution to establish a new world order" -Adolf Hitler

-Source Beyond Angels and Demons- The Truth Behind the Fiction- Rene Chandelle

Thursday, July 30, 2009

What Happened to Little Kim: Was it Faith?

This is not the first time I've blogged about Little Kim. Before, I spoke about her being a candidate for Dancing With the Stars. She did that, exposed her breast accidentally, and eventually got booted out. Apparently her dancing skills aren't as good as her rhyming skills. But since Little Kim now qualifies to be a member of the Jackson family via her plastic surgery, there's a couple of things I want to get off my chest.

After watching Notorious, my wife and I wondered what happened to Little Kim. As the movie portrayed and as we all knew, she was Biggie's "ride or die" chick. He elevated her economically at the price of her being "Hip-Hop's Marilyn Monhoe." But the movie Notorious shows what happened when Biggie married Faith. After all, some of us went through the drama with Biggie. I remember having the feeling, when the news broke (of Faith and Biggie's marriage) that Little Kim might not be to happy.

If she had a heart, she was hurt. And most women who sacrifice for a man, and then abruptly are thrown to the curve for another women ask the infamous question: What does she have that I didn't? Trust me, I've been there.

So anyway, next thing we know, we have Little Kim wearing blonde wigs and all kinds of different hair bleaching techniques. Years later, we have a women who has bleached her skin, and has had plastic surgery done to monstrous proportions. To put it frank, she's not to far from being Kim Jackson.

Now, here's my theory and this is just an opinion, so don't go spreading this like the gospel. Okay, Kim was in love with Biggie. Biggie raised her up, and showed her the ropes in the rap game. Big meets Faith and elopes, and demotes the initimate aspect of him and Kim's relationship. Big continues to see Kim while married to Faith until both realize it's to much hassle and heartache. Big "dumps" Kim and only deals with her professionally. Kim is heartbroken, already had lowself esteem and sees Faith as the object of her pain, yet feels that if she was more like Faith, maybe she would still have Biggie. From their, the plastic surgeon got called.

Now maybe I'm tripping but I doubt it. I mean, I don't think Kim was trying to turn herself into a white girl. I've never seen any reason that would make me think she was on the path of Michael Jackson. I think she got hurt mentally, got bent up psychologically and really was trying to get some Faith! Thus, we see the bleaching of the hair, the bleaching of the skin and don't ask about the butchered nose.

But it goes to show you that confidence is underated. Why be like someone else when you can be like you? Instead of saying if I was more like that, I would be fine, why not be still and find the answers between you and your self? Poor Kim, she seems lost and I hope she finds her way.

Monday, July 27, 2009

Michael Vick: Another Victim of Black Exploitation

I know sometimes I can be a little edgy about my views on race. So instead of speaking on the Gates situation, I'm going to tackle the "Michael Vick Story." And though the race card doesn't have such a bearing impact, in my opinion, there are minuscule elements that still embody the situation as a whole.

As it relates to Vick's hideous actions, I disagree totally. There is nothing anyone can say that would convince me otherwise. Moreover, what probably was a minor decision to Vick ended up having major impacts. According to U.S.A Today, Mike forfeited 70 million dollars in his 10 year, 130 million dollar contract, lost millions in endorsements and paid 928,000 bucks in restitution for the state taking care of those abused pits. Briefly put, he owes creditors 20 million.

Now, some African-Americans want to pull the race card out. And no doubt, there is a time to do so. But I don't think this is good situation to pull it on. When you look into some of the details of how dumb Vick got in the treatment of the pits, it doesn't leave much room for the race card.

For example, in the indictment, it is documented that dogs were hung, drowned, and electrocuted. To put it bluntly, thats piss poor.

So lets all hope that Vick learned his lesson. The commissioner is giving him a second chance, so lets hope he's marijuana free and done with dog abuse (for his sake).

The problem I had with the "Michael Vick Story" is how the media exploited him. If you didn't see Vick on the Cover of
U.S.A. Today, you missed a sad and gloomy front page. It was so sad and gloomy that I felt compelled to purchase the paper.
And what the heck is Vick doing on the cover (featured article) of the USA TODAY anyway!

In lieu of all the issues this country is having, why is Vick on the cover of a nationally syndicated newspaper? Ahhh, the race card unfolds just a tad bit. Seems to me that he's been humiliated enough (by his own actions and that fact that he's broke). Then you want to put him on the cover of the U.S.A Today with his head down and eyes shut. NO FAIR.

I tried to let it slide, but under the picture it read, "A pretty stiff penalty: Michael Vick, leaving federal court May 22 in Norfolk, Va., has lost more than 70 million and spent about 18 months behind bars on a dogfighting conviction." Then to make it crazy, to the right of Vick's article was "Fed says jobless rate may hit 10.1%-Still it sees end of recession this year." Now you tell me what's more important, the recession ending and the current unemployment rate, or Michael Vick. It's a no brainer if you ask me. Apparently the chief editor didn't feel the same way.

In conclusion, let us not pull the race card out on a man that made dumb decisions and subjected himself to the rule of the law. But let us recognize that the media has exploited Vick to the upmost and he doesn't get to see any of that money. Sad indeed.

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Black in America 2: The Minstrel Show is Back!!

Oh how Sia's soul trembled when he heard of the return of Black in America 2! This might just be the best Minstrel Show of the year! You know the Europeans love this. I wonder does the KKK throw parties centered around this series? Racist politicians surely have to break the butler out for this viewing. Nothing like eating fine cuisine while you watch blacks in 2009 find a way to fit in society (and it's still not working).

What this show exemplifies is the European's desire to keep us in our "bucket of crabs." They love to see our struggle, it's fascinating to them. The mind of the racist European doesn't want us here in the first place. At best, they would prefer we deported to another country (i.e. Africa) and at worse, they would prefer us to move to the back of the bus (i.e. segregation). When neither happened, you have what Marcus Garvey predicted in earlier times: A country that will forever be racially torn. It reminds me of what happened the first time a black delegation was allowed in the White House. The country, as it always has been was in a racial anarchy. Mr. Emancipator, Lincoln, was trying to convince black people to go back to Liberia (nooo! not Lincoln). He was attempting to keep the European race as white as Jesus (pun intended)! He told the delegation:

"You and we are different races. We have between us a broader difference than exists between almost any other two races. Whether it is right or wrong, I need not discuss, but this physical difference is a great disadvantage to us both, as I think your race suffers very greatly, many of them by living among us, while ours suffers from your presence. In a word, we suffer on each side. If this is admitted, it affords a reason why we should be separated."
-Source- Dred's Scott's Revenge

So Mr. Lincoln and his American Colonialization Society got $100,000 bucks to get rid of us. Yup, instead of freeing the slaves-he felt it better for the union to get rid of us (didn't they bring us here?). But okay, I'm getting off subject-this blog is about the 2009 negroism being displayed by our liberal buddies, CNN.

So since the seperation failed, the Euros (not the currency) have to deal with us. And what better show to watch for a prejudiced or racist Euro then Black in America! Oh yeaaahh, let them see the hood, let them see the drop out rate, teen pregnancies, single family homes, how black women do their hair, don't forget about the H.B.C.U.s-thats right, show just how tough of a time the "negros are having."

"Only 70% of all High School Students Graduate in Four Years. That Number Drops to 50% for Black Students."
-Carl Azuz, CNN (previewing Black in America)

A moment like this would call for a European requesting a rare steak from his butler while he devotes his attention to this crap. Some of you Africans are looking at this and are excited, but you don't see whats going on. YUP! It's black exploitation at it's finest!! Real smooth, so smooth, they had to bring it back. Whats sad is that our people will probably request part 3! You people go head and watch that dog poop-I'll be studying lessons on self. Now back to my regular agenda.

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Hip-Hop & The Illuminati? What Gives?

A lot of my readers end up on my blog because, believe it or not, people are trying to find a link between hip-hop and the Illuminati. Ironically, one reader landed on my blog searching for lil wayne and his relationship to the Illuminati. Apparently, our conspiracy thinkers (I presume from the hip-hop generation) wonder if hip-hop and the global grand scheme of the Illuminati have a connection.

If you asked my opinion, I would say yes. I haven't got to my book that discusses this secret society in detail, so I don't want to go the historical route. What I do want to do is discuss what we do know. We do know that the Illuminati is pushing for global domination. Moreover, this would not be a good thing for humans. The plan itself comprises of the middle class becoming the lower class and thus, only the wealthy would be on top.

What do they need the people to do while they implement their plan? Well, everything else but pay attention to the laws that are passed in Congress!! They don't want you to know what they are doing, because in the end, they want you to be "enlightened" by their grand plan. Yup, it's good for them and bad for us.

So maybe hip-hop takes out a huge percentage of young adults, who instead of reading the N.Y. Times, or Constitutional Chaos (Napalitano) they are reading XXL or VIBE. Instead of studying for school, they are watching MTV. I have family members that can tell me more about the hip-hop culture than the history of the United States. Couple that with the fact that they know minimum history about their ancestors and you have someone who is deaf, dumb, and blind.

"I have family members who can tell me more about Hip-Hop culture than the history of the United States."

At first, the concept seems outlandish, but when you think about it, isn't Hip-Hop an easy way to disillusion the masses? Isn't it a great smoke screen that takes one's attention away from things that really matter? After all, there are no more artists screaming revolution anymore. To bad X-Clan, and Public Enemy came a little early. We could use their message being blasted twice an hour on the radio these days. Now you might say I'm being tough on hip-hop. No, I'm tough on the people that allow Hip-Hop to rule their lives. I'm tough on the parents that can't see that their kids have to much of an obsession with Little Wayne (as if he's a role model). Will these be my politicians when I become a senior (inshallah)? I'm shaking in my bones!

So yes, take the "urban science" out of hip-hop, discourage any kind of education in lyrics, and only put major money into gentlemen and women that are willing to put on the "blackface." In addition, infuse the genre through the land internationally and now you have millions around the world that will be deaf, dumb and blind because of their passionate loyalty to hip-hop. Yeah, it could be part of the plan of the secret society elites, but even still, it's a minor one at best. Never the less, Sia Sobek says there is a correlation between hip-hop and the plot of the secret society globalist. And in all satire, I say: "Good job big brother."

Monday, July 13, 2009

"Abe Lincoln: A Victim of Righteous Justice"

The more I read the book Dred's Scott Revenge by Andrew Napolitano, the more I realize that Abraham Lincoln was a supreme racist. Moreover, he was not an emancipator, he did not care about the rights of slaves (not to the least) and he felt the "white" race or European peoples, as I like to call them, were inherently superior to the African race!! Way to go Abe! They did a good job of sweeping your dirty history under the rug.

Lincoln was a sellout to his own people. He had a knack for arguing both sides of the issue. But inherently, like most whites in the South at the time, he supported slavery. From the looks of it, Lincoln was hated by the South because he just wasn't bold enough to put his foot down and wave the flag of slavery.

Now, to show you what time it is...peep this:

"I will say then that I am not, nor ever have been, in favor of bringing about in any way the social and political equality of the white and black races-that I am not, nor ever have been, in favor of making voters or jurors of Negroes, nor of qualifying them to hold office, nor to intermarry with white people; and I will say in addition to this that there is a physical difference between the white and black races which I believe forever forbid the two races lifting together on terms of social and political equality. And in as much as they cannot so live, while they do remain together there must be the position of superior and inferior, and I as much as any other man am in favor of having the superior position assigned to the white race."
-Abraham Lincoln (Source Dred Scott's Revenge)

Dang! What kind of Wheaties was he eating? Now grant it, I knew Abe wasn't the saint they made him out to be before reading this book, but I had no idea he was this much of a bigot. The last place a man like this should be is in the oval office. Sad, Sad, Sad.

But justice is something to be reckoned with and it seems that everything spun out of control for Mr. Lincoln. Trying to appease the North while inherently supporting the South just didn't seem to work out. Therefore, it was his rightful fate to be the first president to be assassinated. When you deem any group of people inferior, when you attempt to change God's law of all humans being equal, there's no telling what you are opening yourself up to. In Lincoln's case, it was a shot to the cranium with a Philadelphia Deringer. That's one heck of a gun to-couldn't have been much left of his brains and that's fair since he was using it correctly anyway. Hitler had some of the same pretenses towards the Jews-however he beat 18 assassination attempts. In the end, he killed himself.

But all in all, you can't deny that African peoples around at the time saw through Lincoln's antics. And while a lot of the country mourned his death, I'm sure many slaves thanked God for justice being served. Ironic indeed-wouldn't you agree?

*Picture courtesy of*

Friday, July 10, 2009

"Steve Mcnair: Could Polygyny Have Saved His Life?"

"A Peculiar form of polygyny was practiced among Western peoples in early Mesopotamia, and among the Greeks and Romans, in the form of concubines and prostitution, but it was dehumanizing to women...[it] was carried over into early America with enslaved African American women and continues in contemporary times in various forms"
Dr. Patricia Dixon-founding Pres. of National African American Relationships Institute (NAARI)

The story of Steve Mcnair is unfortunate and sad. However, in the words of Slick Rick, "these types of things happen everyday." The only exigent factor in Mcnair's circumstance is that it cost him his life. Whats more interesting is Mcnair's reputation amongst his community. It seems like his actions didn't fit his character. In fact, even considering his erroneous actions, from what I saw, people close to him only had good things to say about the type of person he was.

Well, with no pun intended, if he was Solomon, this would have never happened. I've had talks with my friends about polygyny, and I usually get rash feed back. But when Mcnair hit the ethers, perhaps it brings more relevance to the notion. The fact is, Mcnair was missing something in his life and his search stopped when he met Sahel Kazemi (even though some press sources say he had another mistress which instigated the incident). And yes, I know that true happiness comes from within, but he was only human (born to make mistakes) and at the time, he saw something that brought him a certain level of contentment that he obviously didn't have.

And yeah, I know it may not seem appropriate to pull the race card out on this issue, but here it comes anyway. Polygyny, at one point, was the norm in societies all over the globe. I know the ladies don't want to fathom their ancestors practicing it-but wake up, smell some Sanka, read a book, and catch up to speed. As you can expect, our humanatarians from the Causcas mountains put an end to polygyny by deeming it unacceptable (got to love how they put the smack down). The iron hand came when fathers of the Christian church backed them up 100%.

"It was not until after the 15th century, with European world conquest and domination, that the idea of polygyny as an inferior marriage practice and monogamy as the superior marriage practice came to dominate the world."
Dr. Patricia Dixon- Associate Professor of African American Studies @ Georgia State University

So if you really want to go back to your roots, brothers and sisters, then you'd realize your lineage lines you up with families that had numerous wives and one male. Moreover, at this time in history, we were in control of our destiny, without the yoke of European culture dragging us down! If Steve Mcnair could do it all over again, I'd bet he'd take the option.

According to Dr. Patricia Dixon in her book, "We Want for Our Sisters What We Want for Our Selves (African American Women Who Practice Polygny by Consent), polygyny is still practiced in western societies. She proports that now polygyny is practiced under the myth of monogamy. Think it's a joke but names like Jesse Jackson, Bill Clinton, John Edwards, Elliot Spitzer, Thomas Jefferson, Mark Sanford, Eric Benet, Sen. John Ensign, and Dr. Martin Luther King (to name a few) proves her estimation to be precise at best.

On the contrary, when Africans practiced polygyny, it was open, whereas no deception was involved. It was used as a form of nation building (i.e. Abraham), and it had numerous advantages over monogomy. Even Muhammad (peace be upon him) said, so long as Allah comes first and all our loved equally, up to four women per male is permissible. Our brother in the pic has three wives with children and they all look happy.

Maybe, just maybe, when Billy got busted, Caucasians began to regret they eradicated polygyny from being an acceptable practice in marriage. I guess the governor of Carolina would affirm that notion. Meanwhile, in America, the practice is so remote to the founders of polygyny, (people of dark hue) it seems as if we didn't introduce the practice to society. I guess we'd rather just get women behind our lady's back, in deception, rather than deal with the fact that polygyny is part of our great ancestreal heritage. According to Dr. Dixion, that's the European way!

And to show you how the cards turn, Joseph Smith, founder of the Mormons, took the practice and ran with it! Makes sense to me, after all, his revelation of Jesus in America came from Egyptian tablets (yeah right)! Once the Causcasian comes through waving the flag, watch out-you might forget who you are!

In conclusion, Steve Mcnair's death is tragic, but at one point, his actions would have never led to the consequences he received in 2009. When you lose sense of your history, you lose a sense of who you are, and when you lose that you you've lost knowledge of self. If only we could turn back to the east and recognize our stolen legacy. Yes, Steve Mcnair was searching for something, but as Africans in America, aren't we all?

*Picture courtesty of*

Thursday, July 9, 2009

"Inspiration Never Dies-Neither Does Good Music"

I guess I'm pretty old school when it comes down music. Sure you can catch me on the stage rocking sci-fi raps with Planet Zoron, but when I go home, I don't even listen to hip-hop. Does it strike you odd that even though I'm a hip-hop artist, I mainly listen to jazz, neo-soul, new age and funk? I hope not.

I guess the apple never falls far from the tree. My dad always listened to jazz and classic R&B. I guess when you grow up in Detroit, it's hard not to. But at any rate, when I was younger, I listened to artists like Miles Davis, Rachell Ferrell, Will Downing, Brian Mcknight, Ramsey Lewis, George Duke, and Anita Baker to name a few that come to mind. I guess you can say I was way ahead of my time or maybe I just had an "old soul" at the time.

But the fact of the matter is, even though these artist were not hip-hop, they taught me so much about the inherent nature of music. Attributes such as passionate songwriting, brilliant compositions, and stellar performances had to rub off on me. Perhaps this is why I never wanted to write about balling, selling drugs...your typical "street" emcee if you will. I always sought to raise the bar by rapping about everyday life in an extraordinary way.

"Rock the house yall, like it's old school 89 with flows thats divine so they way beyond time."
"Another Planet" by Planet Zoron

I guess at the end of the night, the lesson learned is you normally get out of life what you put in. Who knows what my musical fate would have been had I not listened to these ingenious musicians. For all I know, I may have never become an emcee, producer, promoter, and owner of an entertainment company. And though I can feel that this 14 year run might be coming to an end as I prepare for law school, and embrace spirituality- I know it was well worth it. I wouldn't take it back for the world.

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Abraham Lincoln: An Enemy of Africans & The South

It's no secret that the United States' educational system, as it relates to depicting history as it really went, is tainted numerous falsehoods. Among these "superlies," as I like to call them, is the tale of Abraham Lincoln. We've all heard how much a hero he was when he freed the slaves. In fact, according to western history books, the civil war was fought solely for the freedom of slaves.

However, it only takes one to read a couple of books to discover this was a bunch of dog poop thats been simmering in a crock pot for a 100 plus years. The truth of the matter is Lincoln had no interest in freeing slaves. On the contrary, Lincoln was simply trying to preserve the Union. African's freedom, was not on the forefront of his agenda;however, keeping the country in tact was.

"We show our sympathy with slavery by emancipating slaves where we cannot reach them and holding them in bondage where we can set them free."
-Lincoln's Secretary of State William H. Seward

The Fact is, Lincoln was caught between a rock and a hard place. As one can imagine the conflict of trying to appease the north and the south was arduous at best, but history shows that Lincoln clearly had no interest in the moral side of the issue.

In fact, the south, frustrated by Lincoln's position on slavery and his knack for infringing on state's rights, created The Confederate States of America (do you remember this in American History?). The states that comprised this nation was South Carolina, Mississippi, Florida, Alabama, Georgia, Louisiana, Texas, Virginia, Arkansas, North Carolina, and Tennessee. That's right, they created there own nation solely to protect the institution of slavery. But all in all, Lincoln could give a rats butt about Africans. He did not uphold the pillars of what this country was supposed to be founded on.

How disappointing huh? To me, it definitely makes me view the Lincoln Memorial in a different light. Why? Because Lincoln didn't stand for liberty and justice for all. No wonder they kept this quiet in history class.

Monday, July 6, 2009

America's Media: A Wolf in Sheeps Clothing?

A wise man once said war is different variables of deception and if there is truth to that, perhaps there is a war going on on American citizens. However, it is not a physical war, more so, a psychological war fostered by the media. You know the media has immense power on how we perceive our existence. This is why you can't hate on those who don't watch the news. Indeed, there is some wisdom in that.

So how about you? When you turn on Fox, CNN, MSNBC and other news networks,do you take what you see to be true for the most part? More specifically, let's deal with political issues overseas. The elections in Iran, for example, is a good reference point. The media jumped all over the conflict as if we had something to do with it. When you turned on the news, that's all you saw while the conflict persisted. Meanwhile, I wondered what's the big deal? It's there country and their leadership clearly does not want us interfering with their internal issues.

"It's not productive, given the history of U.S. Iranian relations to be seen as meddling...the U.S. President, meddling in the Iranian elections." -Barack Obama

First of all, it is not our country. It's not for us to interfere with another country's election. It seems frivilous at best and don't we have enough problems of our own? Secondly, you have to ask yourself, in what light are they asserting you should view Iran? Thirdly, you have to realize that you are not seeing the full picture. You are seeing what our press and politicians want you to see, and you are hearing what they want you to hear. Last but not least, realize that our government has viewed Iran as an enemy for quite sometime now. Research the CIA's involvement with Iran in the 50's and things become even more clearer. Don't worry-a couple of YouTube clips will initiate your research if you're interested (see how educational my blog can be).

Wouldn't it be better if you got a succinct recap of America's history with Iran before they report on major current events there? It would be a way of keeping the press honest and if nothing else, it would allow people to make better conclusions (they would have more knowledge to make their own conclusions). If the President voiced his concerns, yet clearly asserted he respects Iran's "state sovereignty," why can't the press back up and give it a rest all ready!

So at this time-I'd like to present my evidence to you. That's right, more exhibits for American History X! After watching these YouTube clips, I bet you will think twice about how you view the press reporting on Iran (especially FOX news). You be the judge.

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Watered Down Conviction=No Religion

Perhaps the single most significant problem in western society is the lack of religious conviction. The lack of piety in America can be viewed on its face and it's no secret that our administration also treats religion as a mere sport (by in large).

Sure Christianity is the "American Way," but does Christianity have a profound impact on society? If it doesn't, it is a empirical reflection of those who practice Christianity, for man makes religion profound; religion does not make man.

What I mean by that is no matter how pious the religion or path may be, it takes someone to use the religion or path as vehicle to perfection in order for the masses to certify the legitimacy of the said faith. And though it is written in most holy books, apparently it is difficult for humans to except the notion that the ways of the world only bring pain and suffering.

When you turn on the news you see it. When you go to the club, it is on full blast, and sadly when you go to religious institutions, folly is prevalent as ever before. What is the solution to this problem? I believe that man must treat religion/spirituality as if it is a part of his inherent nature. Only God can give us the faculties to be upright and pious and it is through His mercy that we are able to use these faculties for the upliftment of ourselves and others.

However, it became clear to me at an early age that religion for most is closer to being "child's play," rather than it being on the forefront of the majority's hearts and minds. Sadly, until we as a nation begin to place emphasis on pious principles, our fate will ultimately be doomed.

Of course, for me, the revelation by the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) holds all the keys to establish a nation that God would be proud of. Islam is unique because it clearly makes it known that lukewarmness is not the way to God's heart. The Quran of Mecca points this out clearly in the following Sura:

"Such as took their religion to be mere amusement and play, and were deceived by the life of the world...for We had certainly sent to them a Book based on knowledge, which We explained in detail- a guide and a mercy to all who believe (7:51)."

That means, as much as we would like to get on our death bed and ask for forgiveness of all our sins in our entire life, we know that God is much smarter than that. After all, He is the all knowing and most Beneficent one, and He is just and holds ALL our deeds on a balance scale.

My point is, in order for us to live up to the standards of God, being lukewarm is not the key. It takes courage and strength to uphold righteous pillars, to not blend in with the ways of the world, and to refute behaviors, laws and actions that are against the divine scheme of things. However, it must be done. If it is not done, you will end up with a nation that has no morals, no significant spiritual precedent, no reverence for the throne of God, and no understanding of what it truly means to walk in the path of the pious ones.

-Neo decides to investigate the feeling he has inside of himself that makes him aware of the crooked ways of the world.

Friday, June 26, 2009

Oronde's Power Quote

“And my goal in life is to give to the world what I was lucky to receive: the ecstasy of divine union through my music and my dance.”
-Michael Jackson

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

God, Money, or Religion? Choose Wisely

In my religion in America class tonight, my professor said some chilling words spoken by Mr. J.D. Rockefeller himself. If only you could see the words under his sinister looking face on the Time magazine cover. Paraphrasing as close as I can to his actual words he said something almost exactly like "I believe it is a religion to make as much money as you can."

Now, let's flip that. On the contrary, The biblical figure Timothy said the words, "The love of money is the root of all evil." If this is true, then we should be concerned about families such as the Rockerfellers and the Rothschilds. If families as such feel the same way, is it fair to say that they love money? Could there be a hidden meaning behind the ironic statement on the back of your dollar bill, "In God We Trust?" Again, if a man desires money enough whereas he tells the whole nation that,for him, it is a religion to obtain it...doesn't that constitute the love of money? Couldn't money then be his God?

You might say Oronde, you're going to far with this. But I'm known to do such things so follow me for a few more minutes. The love of money coupled with the rigorous pursuit thereof allows one to enter a delusional state where everything, and everyone is merely an object, a stepping stone, if you will, to reach the means.

Not to get side tracked, but isn't that what happened in the south in the early 19th century in this country? Did not the southerners come up with excuse after excuse to justify slavery? Where they not blinded to the fact that had become savages by stripping Africans of there God given freedom just so they could make money?

Now let's fast forward. How about Kenneth Lay, founder of Enron? He and his corporate goons did not once consider the impact they would eventually have on innocent people who invested in their company, nor their employees who worked hard to build up their evil empire.
These men elevated money over citizen's natural rights and thereby debased themselves and any of those who were impacted by their folly.

Heck, since we're rolling, why not throw George Bush and Cheney in the mix? They were pretty up front about their private interest and it was clear that running the country was not their top priority.

Maybe the founding fathers meant in God we trust, but being that they owned slaves, I even question that at times. Who knows the hearts of the men that created the most powerful country in the world. Could it be that behind all the righteous ideals the founding fathers had, everyone had their eye on the dollar bill? Who knows, but between Kenny, Rockefeller and the Bush family, I've just shown you it's possible.

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Does the Color of Jesus Even Matter?

Historically speaking, yes says Oronde. So long as I can see, the ancient history of the African race has been trampled over, swept under rug, and remodeled for the western world. So spiritually speaking, no, the color of Jesus doesn't matter. However, historically speaking, his color does matter.

Couple that with that fact that Europeans glorified this fake, white, blond hair, blue eyed godman even to the point of justifying slavery---knowing the truth about the matter holds even more relevance in African communities across the world.

Remember, that Africans could not speak the toungue of the Portugese, English, or Dutch (some of the major slave traders right after Columbus opened the market up). What happened in the "breaking in" process of slaves? And yes, there was a breaking in process which Europeans attempted to solidify African's new mode of behavior, customs, creed, religion, etc- I like to call it whitewash.

Well, among many things, Africans were presented with pictures. You probably didn't know that the elaborate stain glasses in churches that display saints and Jesus use to have a more profound meaning, did you? Well think about it. We couldn't read in those times, so a picture was truly worth "a thousand words." And it's no secret that Europeans in power used this to their advantage as a thesis for them being the superior race.

I'll never forget Amistad. Spielberg presented the concept of the Bible, whereas there were plenty of pictures for Africans to see that the white jesus had a direct lineage to God. Meanwhile, western history books boldly state that one of their excuses for murdering, and enslaving natives was because they weren't Christians. So much for do unto others as you would have done to yourself Iguess. Anyway, I won't hold you long today because I want you to view these two clips from Donahue where this same topic is discussed. Know your history, know yourself, and then you will know the truth.

Monday, June 22, 2009

Kiss the M.S.T.of A. Goodbye-R.I.P

I had an epiphany this morning. If Drew Ali, a so called "prophet" of Islam, is really a prophet, if he really brought such a profound message to the dark hue people in America, how come the legendary African American scholars never mentioned him? How come the Quran of Mecca leaves no room for his presence? I'll listen if you can find me one reputable African historian that affirmed that Drew Ali's movement was truly legit and divine. Again, I'll listen when you show me what Surah includes the verse that states there will be another prophet beyond Muhammad (and don't come with the same interpretation of Surahs that can be struck down in the Quran).

Yeah, Yeah, Yeah, you can say why do I keep bringing this bogus movement up (M.S.T.of A)? Well, I'm educating you, as well as others on the truth about organizations that simply waste the majority of people's time. You have a right to know! So here we go....(I promise this is the last time I address this organization...resolution is near!)

Now...allow me to give you some angles..all from documentation I acquired when I was a member in the organization. I will let most of the documentation do the talking. Note, I will not address one single individual. I am not in the business of attacking people, but just as I challenge our government when they are out of line, I'd do the same to any organization if their principles are obscure and misleading.

The Oral Statements and Prophecies of Prophet Drew Ali (I'm quoting their info)
"I remember when I was on the soul-plane, I remember when I was Noah. Noah was a carpenter and he built the Ark. When the flood came, men came swimming out to the Ark and knocked on the door, and said, "Noah, Noah, let us in" and I told them, "The door is locked, and an angel came, and took the key away."

"Rome, 2000 years ago, you got me, but I got you today." (when the prophet was here 2000 years ago as Jesus, the Roman Nation crucified Him, but when he came as prophet Noble Drew Ali, He accomplished everything that he came for. their emphasis)

"Don't keep dogs in your house, because if you inhale one of its hairs, it could cut your throat"

"One day there is going to be so many women, a man is going to have to run for his life"

No, I'm not making this up-according to Moors that existed when he was alive, he said these things.

Sounds a little cultish doesn't it? But there's more juice! I can assure you that though there are numerous chapters of the M.S.T.of A, they all seem to be isolated from one another. There is no unity between these factions, in fact alot of branches rival each other. For instance, my former branch rivaled another branch because the former claimed to be the true, legitimate branch descended from Ali himself. The latter meanwhile would sling mud at the other branch which led only to confusion, something the so called prophet spoke against.

It should be noted that there are plenty of things that Drew Ali mentioned that held relevance. Yet at the end of the night, we are dealing with a disorganized group of African-Americans that claim they have a nationality, yet have no nation. Doesn't that snatch the root out of the movement? If you don't have a nation, how can you have a government? Yes, my friends, I see what Drew Ali attempted to do, but the fact is HE DIDN'T DO IT!

My former branch apparently only has seven members across the United States. If they have more, I'd estimate 20 (LOL). The branch I was in before them, sadly enough, was a similar situation. Mind you, this movement has been around since 1913.

And just when you thought I was done, the story continues! Look at a Grand Sheik's (a temple leader in the movement) response to a legitimate question on a blog by the M.S.T. of A. The lack of spirituality in the reply is evident and one questioning Drew Ali's divinity should not offend a member if he or she is secure in his faith. I was taught in the temple to not argue religion. Apparently, the leaders need to take a script of their own medicine.

  1. rise Praising The Great God of The Universe,Honoring Allahs Prophet,honors to all whom are honorable.

    Islam,Bro.----- -- in reading this posting,I have issues with foreign terms of “hadith” and “da’wah”. Surah 10:47 of the Noble Quran states “To every people (was sent) a Messenger” In order for that Messenger to be sent to a nation he had to speak the national language of that particular people.What is the national language of Moorish Americans? ----- -- could you show me in Prophet Noble Drew Ali oral statements where he invited ones to speak a foreign language? I humbly await your reply

  2. admin Says:

    Islam -----I will first answer your questions but what first troubled me, as a Moorish American Moslem, is the fact that you allowed this brother to question your Prophet as being Holy. I question the fact that you didn’t address this enemy of the Prophet and his insinuating that our Holy and Illustrious Prophet was a failure. Now, what is the root of this issue? Is it that we are doing what the Prophet said on the back of the Questionaire and you are having a problem with it? (what's all the beef for-my emphasis) The Back of our Questionaire which contains Our Authority states,” The Moorish Science Temple of America deriving its power and authority from the Great Koran of Mohammed to propagate the faith and extend the learning and truth of the Great Prophet of ALI in America”.
    What does, ”extend the learning” mean? Isn’t English composed of many different languages and terms; ie, terms such as: fiancĂ©’, rendezvous, etc.? Didn’t the Prophet say that we had to take this to the East and uplift our brothers and sisters over there? We are identifying with the whole Islamic world by extending the learning or in other words,” furthering” or “building upon the foundation”. By the way, our ancient forefathers and mothers spoke many languages and one of them being Arabic. Matter of fact, we study many languages in the Grand Body. We study Wolof and Arabic.
    Now, I pray that you aren’t the ------------ that goes by the name ------------ that refuses to return the Warrant of Authority given to you by the Supreme Grand Sheik? If that is the case, you would be an embezzler of the faith and not worthy of being recognized as a Moor (nothing like a leader that lets the whole world know internal discrepancies within an organization that barely has a rock to stand on!!!- my emphasis).
    Well, I hope this answers your questions. As you can see, we are in the Law and Follow the Prophet in works, words, and deeds.
    Peace and Love, ----- -- GS (Grand Sheik)

And this is a Sheik, someone of religious authority responding in this fashion-wow!! Reminds me of baptist church drama.


Not to say they weren't on to something at all, but I'd be a fool to elevate Ali's impact over Garvey.

So if any of your Moors wanna talk to me, I come in peace and love but freedom of speech is something! Show me your vast nation. Show me what your government has done. Show me what the Moors are doing in the community RIGHT NOW. 96 years is plenty of time don't you think? Show me your country. And don't try to say this is our country because the Europeans took that from us a long time ago. Show me the the legitimacy of the term "Moorish" American. How does it compare to a Nigerian-American? Last time I checked, Moorish is not a country and never has been (nationalities contain country-Continent). Does the United States Government even recognized your nationality? The Indians have laws on the books-did Drew Ali establish that for his so called nation? Has your constitution been amended to adjust with modern times? If the movement is so legitimate, how come the different branches don't come together?

Lastly, I ask the Moors, if Muhammad (peace be upon him) was around, would he unite with the M.S.T. of A? Or would you be slain for blasphemy? Islam is the straight path and this movement's path is definitely crooked. So to state it clearly, I believe the latter choice in the aforesaid question would be appropriate.

I'm closing the casket...this blog is the death of the M.S.T.of A. (Moment of Silence Please).